In an instant, Leng Xuan only felt that the surrounding air seemed to be ignited, extremely hot. Suddenly, without waiting for him to move, the air around him suddenly burst into flames, sweeping his body. In the raging flames, the fire was pressing, and the clothes burned instantly. "Open!" Leng Xuan spit out a word, his whole body burst out with momentum, rushing away all the flames around him.

   "Accept the move!" The flames were broken, Leng Xuan did not hesitate at all, his figure flashed, and he quickly rushed to Yuan Long, waving his steel fist and hitting the opposite door. "Go away!" Yuan Long's eyes turned cold, and he drank violently, and the dazzling crimson light suddenly surged out, forming a huge ball of light. Immediately, a loud bang was heard. The crimson ball of light burst in an instant, and under the impact of the powerful air wave, Leng Xuan suddenly felt his body crooked and was forced to retreat a few steps.

   "Angry Dragon!" Yuan Long let out a low roar, then he pointed his toes and stood up straight in the air. At the same time, a violent aura surged out wildly, igniting the surrounding air, like a huge fire dragon hovering in the air.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw the huge fire dragon surrounding Yuan Long's body, turning rapidly, gradually forming a fire tornado, moving slowly towards Leng Xuan. Seeing the fire tornado approaching, Leng Xuan felt a strong force coming from all directions, pulling his body, making his movement gradually slow down. Faced with this situation, Leng Xuan frowned, thinking about countermeasures quickly in his heart. In that stele, there is still a lot of tyranny. If he forcibly absorbed that violent aura, it would be enough to keep the battle going. But the problem is that the violent aura absorbed at first has not been fully digested.

   At this moment, relying on Qingxin Ye and his own willpower, he forcibly suppressed that violent and bloodthirsty thought, preventing it from eroding his sanity. If he continues to absorb the tyrannical aura, he is afraid that it will exceed the limit he can bear.

  However, he is almost exhausted now, and if he doesn't use that violent aura, he can't continue to persevere.

   "Boom!" While thinking, a loud noise suddenly came. Leng Xuan turned his head and saw that Wu Tian and Shang Dong were fighting together, and it was hard to tell the difference for a while. Although everyone present was the supreme powerhouse, Wu Tian's strength was stronger than everyone else.

   It's just that in the previous battle with Leng Xuan, a lot of energy was lost, and in addition to being injured, at this moment, he can barely draw with Shang Dong. As the second strongest person in Mausoleum City, Shang Dong lived up to his prestige, and his strength was indeed very strong. From the fight until now, he has always had the upper hand, suppressing Wu Tian in every way. At this moment, Wu Tian stood on the shoulder of the skeleton, controlling the skeleton and resisting Shang Dong's offensive. Under the current situation, the skeleton was Wu Tian's only support.

   Couldn't care to watch the battle between Wu Tian and the others, Leng Xuan retracted his gaze and turned to Yuan Long again.

   Looking at the approaching fire tornado, Leng Xuan stepped back, avoiding the flames so as not to be sucked into it.

   Just when Leng Xuan was thinking about countermeasures, a mutation suddenly appeared. Behind Yuan Long, a person suddenly rushed out, it was Zhang Yu.

   Yuan Long didn't pay attention to him just now. At this moment, he rushed out from behind and rushed towards Yuan Long directly from behind. Facing the scorching flames, he didn't hesitate and rushed in.

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