"Sir Shang, I'm not your subordinate. I can leave if I want, or stay if I want. Could it be that you still want to stop me? If so, then you have to think carefully. Although I, Leng Xuan, are not as good as Wu Tian. , but it's not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead."

   "Brother Leng, should I interpret your words as a declaration of war on me?"

   "How to understand that is your business, in a word, whether it is a friend or an enemy, it is all in your mind."

   "If you want to say that..." Shang sternly stepped aside and said with a smile, "The two of you are gone, I won't send them away."

  Shang Dong's sudden change of face made Leng Xuan startled slightly. Immediately, he supported Zhang Yu and walked out step by step. Shang Dong and Wu Tian looked at him quietly, and neither of them tried to stop them. Soon, Leng Xuan and Zhang Yu came to the entrance of the stone room.

   But at this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Leng Xuan's heart, and a powerful force suddenly attacked from his side.

   "Brother Leng, be careful!" Zhang Yu's expression changed, and he hurriedly warned. However, the moment he spoke, Leng Xuan had already responded. He flashed and moved quickly to the left to avoid the sudden attack.

   Turned his eyes, and immediately saw a strange man in his eyes. The man shouted in blue robes, his face was upright, quite majestic, under the two thick eyebrows, a pair of eyes as deep as a cold pool, could not see any emotional fluctuations.

   "Yuan Long?" Looking at the man who suddenly appeared, Leng Xuan frowned and said slowly.

   "You expected it long ago?" Yuan Long spat out a sentence.

   "Of course." Leng Xuan replied. Among the people present, the only one who could convince him was Zhang Yu. As for Shang Dong, he doesn't trust each other at all. So, when Shang Dong got out of the way and allowed them to go out, he was wary. Because he knew very well that Shang Dong would not let them go so easily. Therefore, along the way, he has always been vigilant to prevent someone from attacking.

   As he expected, someone secretly shot. Fortunately, he was well prepared, otherwise, if the attack just now was hit, both he and Zhang Yu would not be able to escape. "Brother Leng, I have a suggestion for you." At this time, Shang Dong said again, "You are not from Lingcheng. You don't need to participate in the battle between our three forces. Kill Zhang Yu and I can keep you safe. ."

   "You think I'll believe you?"

   "Believe it or not, I don't think you have any other choice."

   "No, you are wrong, I have another choice." After speaking, Leng Xuan turned his gaze to Wu Tian not far away.

   Upon seeing this, Shang Dong immediately understood and smiled: "Brother Leng, I advise you to give up. Even if you cooperate with him, it will not change the result. Besides, both of you are already injured, how can you fight us?"

   "What do you think?" Leng Xuan did not take Shang Dong's words, but threw the question to Wu Tian.

   "It's life or death." After he finished speaking, Wu Tian didn't say any more, and rushed straight to Shang Dong.

As soon as Wu Tian moved, Leng Xuan immediately understood his choice, without saying a word, he pushed Zhang Yu aside, dodged and stopped Yuan Long who was about to help Shang Dong. "Boy, court death!" Yuan Long shouted angrily, and his whole body came out with great momentum, with gusts of wind.

   "Kill!" The red light bloomed from Yuan Long's hand, like the light of the setting sun, reflecting on Leng Xuan's body.

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