Hearing this, Leng Xuan's heart sank. Listening to Shang Dong's meaning, it seems that Lin Haojia has sent people. While thinking about it, Wu Tian said coldly, "Yuan Long is here? Where is he?"

Shang Dong smiled and said, "Don't worry, when you need him, he will naturally appear." When the words fell, he turned his eyes and looked at the sarcophagus placed on the platform, and a bright color flashed in his eyes, "In the sarcophagus who is it?"

   Hearing his question, neither Leng Xuan nor Wu Tian said anything. Seeing this, Shang Dong smiled to himself, stood up from the ground, and rushed towards the sarcophagus. However, before he could get close to the sarcophagus, Wu Tian had already rushed to the sarcophagus, blocking Shang Dong's way.

   "Wu Tian, ​​what are you doing?" Shang Dong stabilized his body and said slowly, with a hint of coldness in his tone.

   "Go away!" Wu Tian coldly spat out two words.

  Shang Dong smiled lightly, his eyes were cold, and he said in a low voice: "Wu Tian, ​​if you are smart enough, you should know your current situation. As long as I want, I can kill you at any time."

   "You can try." Wu Tian didn't flinch.

   "Since that's the case, then we have nothing to talk about. Brother Leng, how about we join forces? After killing him, I will share the contents of the sarcophagus equally."

   "Sorry, I'm not interested." Although Shang Dong offered very generous conditions, he knew very well in his heart that if he agreed, he would end up the same as Wu Tian.

   Although he didn't have much contact with Shang Dong, he knew very well what Shang Dong was like. Shang Dong is not Zhang Yu, the former is only for himself, regardless of the life and death of others. This can be seen from his refusal to rescue his men. But Zhang Yu is different. Zhang Yu's personality is almost the same as Leng Xuan's. He is a man of temperament, and he will never ignore the safety of his subordinates because of his own interests. Therefore, if the person who said this was Zhang Yu, he would agree without hesitation, but Shang Dong...he would never agree.

   What's more, there is a supreme powerhouse hidden in the dark, that is, Yuan Long, who Wu Tian just said. As a worshiper invited by Lin Hao, Yuan Long's strength will definitely not be much worse than Shang Dong. If he listens to Shang Dong, he will join forces to deal with Wu Tian. Then, he was sure that as soon as Wu Tian died, Shang Dong would definitely unite with Yuan Long and get rid of him and Zhang Yu.

   Once these are gone, both Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan will lose the capital to fight against Lin Hao. At that time, Lin Hao will definitely be able to unify the mausoleum city. And this ending was not what he wanted to see.

   "Why, Brother Leng is not willing?" Seeing Leng Xuan's delay in expressing his position, Shang Dong couldn't help but ask.

Leng Xuan glanced at Wu Tian who was not far away, and said, "This is a matter between the two of you. I will not be involved. I will leave!" After he finished speaking, he moved and came to Zhang Yu's side, ready to take him with him. Go out with him. However, just as they were about to leave, Shang Dong flew down and fell in front of them, blocking their way.

   "Sir Shang, what are you doing?"

Shang Dong said with a smile but not a smile: "Brother Leng, Zhang Yu, what are you doing in such a hurry, are you still afraid that I will be bad for you?" After a pause, he added: "Before this scene ends, everyone will Don't go." When he said this, his tone was no longer a solicitation, but an imperative, and no one was allowed to refuse.

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