However, with the injection of that violent aura, the Nine Heavens Star Array solidified again.

   "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, congeal!"

With a thought of   , a thunder light flashed in the formation, dazzling and dazzling. At the top of the formation, the dazzling thunder light gradually condensed and merged into one, forming a huge purple beam, exuding endless power.

  When the purple beam fell, the black air that Wu Tian summoned was immediately dispelled. Without any obstruction, the splendid beam directly engulfed Wu Tian's body. "Break!" Leng Xuan drank softly, and there was a loud noise in the beam. However, at this moment, the puppet outside the formation raised two bone knives high, slowly merged, and condensed into a large bone knife dozens of meters long, with a **** light, and slashed down.

   "Boom!" Immediately, Leng Xuan felt a shock all over his body, his blood surging. At the same time, a long crack appeared on the side of the nine-day star formation. The thunder light that originally gathered in the formation spread out immediately and disappeared into the air.

  As the thunder light dissipated, Wu Tian, ​​who was originally shrouded by the thunder light, appeared again. At this moment, he was a little embarrassed. There were signs of damage everywhere on his clothes, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of his lips, which was obviously traumatized.

   "That's all you can do?" Wu Tian raised his head, staring at Leng Xuan with gloomy eyes.

  Leng Xuan frowned secretly, the serious scarlet color not only did not weaken, but became more and more intense.

  Although that violent aura helped him, it had an equally huge impact on his sanity. At this moment, bloodthirsty thoughts appeared in his mind, impacting his sea of ​​consciousness, trying to occupy his sanity. He gritted his teeth, resisted hard, and forced himself to stay awake.

   At such a high price, I thought I could hurt Wu Tian. Unfortunately, the result disappointed him. At this time, the skeleton stood beside Wu Tian, ​​guarding his safety. Unless there is a way to solve the puppet, otherwise, he will not try to defeat Wu Tian. Moreover, after Zhang Yu was severely injured, he could no longer take action, and now he is the only one who still has the strength to fight.

   "I didn't expect it to be quite lively here." At this moment, a voice suddenly entered the ears of the three of them. Leng Xuan turned his head to look, his complexion suddenly changed. He was surprised to find that the person who came was Shang Dong. "Why is this guy here?"

   "Brother Leng, we meet again." Shang Dong smiled lightly and greeted Leng Xuan. Leng Xuan nodded and did not say much.

"Wu Tian?" Shang Dong turned his eyes and landed on the man in black robe, and suddenly laughed, "It's really you. I have long admired your name for a long time, but unfortunately I haven't had the chance to meet each other. I didn't expect to see you here. You. Why, Feng Qingliu is finally willing to send you out?"

   Wu Tian snorted coldly, but said nothing.

   "You know him?" Leng Xuan was quite surprised. He thought that Wu Tian was hiding so deeply that no one knew of his existence.

"I don't know, I just heard about it." Shang Dong said, "Several thousand years ago, Lord Lin received news that Feng Qingliu had invited a powerful worshiper. He searched for thousands of years, but only found Two clues, one is his name, and the other is that he likes to wear black robes."

   "Don't you wonder why he's here?"

"Why is it weird?" Shang Dong asked back, "It's not just Cao Zhi who has the means to contact people outside. When the news of Ming Qi came out, no one could keep calm. Master Lin did it, not to mention Feng Qingliu. "

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