Leng Xuan hurriedly asked, "Did that person say the location?"

   "From here to the north, about ten miles away, he only let you go alone."

   nodded, Leng Xuan said: "Okay, I understand."

   "Brother Leng, I'm afraid there's some fraud, or I'll go with you, then I'll hide in the dark to prevent accidents." Zhang Yu suggested. Leng Xuan thought for a while, but still rejected his suggestion. He knew that Zhang Yu was well-intentioned, but since this matter was related to Su Yurou's safety, he did not dare to take the risk.

   Seeing Leng Xuan's insistence, Zhang Yu couldn't force it any further, "Brother Leng, it seems that Miss Su is very important to you."

   "Yes, she is very important to me. Big Brother Zhang, when I'm not here, I will trouble you here. Big Brother Wang, cooperate with Big Brother Zhang."

   The place agreed by the black-robed man was not far away, but after a while, Leng Xuan arrived at the place the other party said.

   "Yurou!" After arriving at the location, Leng Xuan glanced at him and saw that Su Yurou was tied to a stone pillar. He called out and rushed over immediately, trying to save her. However, before he could get close to the stone pillar, a cold voice entered his ears: "If you don't want her to die, just stop with me."

   Hearing the sound, Leng Xuan immediately stopped, then raised his eyes to the top of the stone pillar. I don't know when, a person appeared there, it was the mysterious black-robed man. "Let the people go, and I'll give you the things right away."

   "Do you think it's possible?" The black-robed man sneered. His appearance is very ordinary, the kind that will be ignored if thrown in the crowd, such people can easily hide themselves. However, in those sharp eyes, there is a trace of gloomy coldness, no emotion can be seen, like a dead person.

   "Hand over the clues first, and then I'll consider whether to let them go." After a pause, he warned: "Remember, don't play tricks on me. Otherwise, I don't mind killing one more person."

  Su Yurou was in the opponent's hand, Leng Xuan didn't dare to take the risk, with a wave of his hand, the pieced pattern immediately flew towards the opponent. The black-robed man took the pattern, just glanced at it, and then turned his attention to Leng Xuan again.

   "Lead the way ahead."

   "What?" Leng Xuan didn't react for a while.

   "How do I know if the clues you gave me are fake? I need to verify it. Lead the way! Don't let me repeat it a second time." The black-robed man said coldly. Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood what he meant. Although he was reluctant, considering Su Yurou's safety, he could only do it. He had already kept the route in the pattern in his heart, and at the moment, he moved and galloped toward the destination according to the route recorded in the pattern.

   The black-robed man grabbed Su Yurou with one hand and followed behind him step by step.

   The three of them rushed all the way, and in about half an hour, they arrived at the location marked in the pattern.

  Leng Xuan looked around and couldn't help but wonder. According to the record in the pattern, this should be the end point. However, there is nothing special about the surrounding area, all are stone pillars.

   "Are you sure it's here?" The black-robed man looked around and said coldly. Listening to his tone, he seemed to be suspicious of Leng Xuan's intentions. "It's definitely this place." Leng Xuan said, "It's about my friend's life, I won't cheat."

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