"Small meaning." After the words were finished, Wang Axe looked at Zhang Yu who was walking this way, and said in a low voice, "Brother Leng, have you joined forces with him?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "The situation here is more complicated. I'll tell you more about it. In short, for now, the two of us are in a cooperative relationship."

   "Are you the King Axe?" Zhang Yu came closer, glanced at him, and said, "Sorry, my subordinates offended me just now."

   "Don't blame those who don't know, it's fine." The king axe was very loose, and he didn't pay attention to what happened just now. After a pause, he said, "By the way, Brother Leng, Miss Su is still there."

   "Have you found Yurou?"

   "Well, we have been together before, but when I ran into Master Zhang's subordinates, I broke up with Miss Su in order to lure them away. They are right in front and shouldn't go too far."

   "Let's go." Leng Xuan was concerned about Su Yurou's safety, and without delay, he immediately set off and rushed to the place Wang Axe said.

   However, when the group arrived at their destination, they only saw a pile of exploding flesh and blood remaining on the ground.

   "Yurou!" Leng Xuan's face turned pale, and an ominous premonition came to his mind, "Yurou!"

"Brother Leng, don't worry, Miss Su may not be in trouble." After speaking, Wang Axe glanced around, then picked up a few rags from the ground, and said, "Brother Leng, don't worry, it's not Su who died. girl."

"how do you know?"

   "You can tell by looking at the clothes." Wang Fu said, "Miss Su is accompanied by two brothers. Judging from the residues on the ground, they should be the ones who died."

   "She was taken away?" Leng Xuan frowned, "Who would do this?"

   "Brother Leng, I suspect that it may be the man in black robe." Zhang Yu said, "Judging from the traces around, the two were directly killed by force, indicating that the other party's cultivation base is very strong."

"Not necessarily, those two are both Jinxian cultivation bases, as long as they are a little more powerful Daluo Jinxian, they can also do this." Wang Fu said, "However, since that person took Miss Su, it means that Miss Su is temporarily safe. of."

   "I must find her. Brother Wang, take someone to search around, and report to me immediately if you have any clues."

   "Yes, I'll do it right away."

   "Brother Leng, don't worry, we will find her." Zhang Yu said with relief.

   "I hope so." Although Leng Xuan's face was calm, his heart was extremely anxious. If Su Yurou has three strengths and two weaknesses, he will feel guilty for it all his life.

   Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye, it was already half a day. The search operation was still going on, and even Zhang Yu's subordinates joined the team looking for Su Yurou. However, it has been so long, and there is no clue at all.

   "Brother Cold, there is a discovery."

   Seeing Wang Axe coming this way, Leng Xuan hurried up to meet him, and couldn't wait to ask, "Where is she?"

"We didn't find Miss Su, but we found a brother. He said that there is something important to report to you, which is related to Miss Su." After speaking, Wang Axe made a gesture backward, and a young man hurriedly approached and said respectfully. : "Master Leng, someone asked me to bring you a sentence. He said that if you want to save your friend, you can exchange the clues on the stone pillar."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately determined that it was the black-robed man who kidnapped Su Yurou. The thought of Su Yurou staying with that dangerous person who kills without blinking an eye made him even more worried.

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