"I don't care if you cheated or not." The black-robed man said coldly, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour. If you can't find the underworld weapon, then you're ready to collect the corpse for your friend."

   Facing the threat of the black-robed man, although Leng Xuan was angry, he did not dare to attack. Right now, he can only find clues as soon as possible to confirm that he has not led the wrong way. He asked the other party for the pattern and studied it carefully. After confirmation, he found that he did not go wrong, it was indeed this place.

   "There should be a mark here." He thought to himself, while searching the nearby stone pillars, hoping to find clues. As he expected, after a while, he found a mark on a stone pillar next to him.

   That mark is a rhombus with an eye in the middle. Looking at the eyeballs in his eyes, Leng Xuan stretched out his hand and pressed it gently. Suddenly, a 'boom' sound came from the bottom.

   However, after a while, the sound disappeared. And around, nothing has changed.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan continued to check other stone pillars. Soon, he found the same mark on another stone pillar not far away. Reaching out and pressing down on the eyeball, the loud 'boom' sound came into my ears again. At the same time, the three felt a violent vibration from the ground. Immediately afterwards, the two stone pillars with imprints rose slowly.

   At the top of the stone pillar, the surface suddenly shattered, turning into two huge palms, and together with the two stone pillars, it also turned into two slender arms. Then, the two giant hands bent slowly, supporting the ground, as if to get up.

   Under the gazes of Leng Xuan and the black-robed man, something seemed to burrow out of the ground between the two giant hands. "Boom!" With a loud noise, a huge head finally burst out of the ground. The head is also made of stone, and it is very huge. Standing in front of that head, Leng Xuan was like a newborn child.

  When the head broke out of the ground, it stopped moving, as if everything was still.

  Leng Xuan walked over carefully, checking it carefully, while guarding against any danger that might appear at any time. Suddenly, the head slowly opened its mouth and turned towards him. Through that huge mouth, Leng Xuan vaguely saw a glimmer of light.

   "Is there a secret way?" He hesitated for a while, then turned to look at the black-robed man, and said, "What you're looking for is here, is it time to fulfill your promise?"

   "It's still early." The black-robed man said coldly, "Wait until I see the underworld weapon before releasing him. Now, go in!"

Leng Xuan frowned and said, "I don't know who you are, and I'm not interested in knowing, I have already done everything you asked me to do, but you are blackmailing me again and again, do you really think that I'm afraid of you, won't you?"

   "I advise you to take good care of your friend. If you want to watch her die, I don't mind you breaking the contract." The black-robed man's tone was still indifferent. Hearing this, Leng Xuan could not help but grit his teeth, this guy is really hateful. Su Yurou was his lifeblood, as long as Su Yurou was still in the opponent's hands, he would have nothing to do. Even if he was extremely angry, he could only endure it.

   "Yurou, don't worry, you'll be fine." After that, Leng Xuan was about to enter the giant mouth.

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