I thought the other party couldn't hear it at such a distance. But who knows, the black-robed man's hearing is very keen.

After hearing the sound,    rushed towards them immediately. Cheng Jiang was afraid of being caught by the other party, so he scattered with his companions and fled in different directions. Unfortunately, he still underestimated the strength of the black-robed man, was seriously injured by the other party, and passed out directly. Since the black-robed man was in a hurry to chase the others, he didn't check carefully to see if he was dead. Because of this, he was lucky enough to escape.

After   , he met a companion sent by Leng Xuan. Because the injury was too severe, he could no longer move, so Leng Xuan had to come over in person. "Where did you see that black-robed man?" Leng Xuan asked.

   "Then... over there..." Cheng Jiang raised his right hand tremblingly, then pointed to the west with difficulty. Then, I saw his hand slowly drop down. "Cheng Jiang." Leng Xuan was startled and shouted, "Wake up."

  Unfortunately, no matter how he called, Cheng Jiang couldn't wake up. With a sigh, Leng Xuan stood up and instructed the people around him, "Find a place to bury him properly."

   "Brother Leng." At this time, Zhang Yu rushed over with a few of his subordinates, "How is it, have you found anything here?"

   "Let's talk while walking." After he finished speaking, Leng Xuan moved and galloped away in the direction Cheng Jiang pointed.

   Not long after, the group saw several corpses appeared in front of them. As Cheng Jiang said, these bodies are Zhang Yu's subordinates. Seeing those corpses, Zhang Yu's face suddenly became difficult to look at.

   "What's wrong?" Noticing the change in his expression, Leng Xuan couldn't help asking.

"These people are all my Daluo Jinxian." After speaking, Zhang Yu walked over to the corpses and looked at them carefully, "Their deaths are similar to those of the corpses discovered before, they should be the same person. what."

  Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Who is that black-robed man?"

"I don't know, the only thing that is certain now is that the other party is not Shang Dong, and he will not deliberately dress like that. In addition, the other party must be a supreme powerhouse. You just said that the black-robed man mentioned that during the interrogation. From the word 'underworld', it can be seen that the other party's purpose is similar to ours, and they are also looking for the underworld."

"Let's find a way to find the man in black robe first, and then let him continue, all of us will die at his hands." After speaking, Leng Xuan looked around and said, "The area of ​​this stone forest is too large. , the black-robed man is uncertain, and it is not easy to find him. Brother Zhang, is there anything you can do?"

Zhang Yu thought for a while, and his eyes finally fell on the corpses, "There is one way, but... that's all, it's important to find the man in black, and the rest is not a concern." After speaking, he walked into it. In front of a corpse, put five fingers on the other's forehead. In an instant, a faint blue light emerged from his hand and poured into the head of the corpse. Immediately, two beams of light were projected from the eyes of the corpse, forming a blurry picture.

   In that picture, Leng Xuan clearly saw a black back. "This is the man in black robe." Zhang Yu looked at the shadow in the picture, "This is the last scene he saw before his death."

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