"Trouble." Looking at the injured subordinates, Leng Xuan sighed secretly. He and Zhang Yu's men did not know that they were cooperating, so once they met, they would definitely fight. This kind of unnecessary loss was something he didn't want to see.

   Along the way, in addition to finding the men of both sides, they also found a lot of corpses. These corpses were in the same condition as the corpses they had found before. Their souls had been destroyed, but their bodies were intact. Whether it is Jinxian or Daluo Jinxian, all of them are killed in one blow.

  Two hours passed, twenty men had gathered around Leng Xuan, and fourteen on Zhang Yu's side. In order to speed up the search, Leng Xuan and the two divided their subordinates into several groups, and sent all of them out to search for the whereabouts of their companions.

   Time passed little by little, and Leng Xuan's heart became more and more anxious. It's been so long, and the whereabouts of Su Yurou's king axe have never been found, and I don't know if they are all right now.

   "Master Leng." At this time, a subordinate rushed over and reported: "We found a brother in the north. His condition is very critical."

"what happened?"

   "Sir, I don't have time to ask so many questions. I'm afraid he won't be able to last that much time."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately said, "Lead the way."

   Following the subordinate, Leng Xuan quickly came to a stone pillar. There, there lay a man covered in blood, dying and possibly dying at any time. Seeing the other party, Leng Xuan recognized his identity at a glance. This person is Cheng Jiang, who has a good relationship with Wang Axe, and is also a big Luo Jinxian.

   "How are you?" Leng Xuan walked quickly to Cheng Jiang and checked his injury. After a while, his brows furrowed slightly. Cheng Jiang's injuries are very serious and it is difficult to heal. It is not easy for him to persist at this moment. "Leng...Sir Leng..." Cheng Jiangqiang cheered up and said intermittently.

   "Don't worry, speak slowly, what's going on, who hurt you?"

   "I...I don't know...that person is very strong, we are not opponents..."

   After listening to Cheng Jiang's story, Leng Xuan finally understood what happened. It turned out that after Cheng Jiang was separated from everyone, he searched for his companions in the stone forest alone. Fortunately, he was lucky and met several companions who were also scattered along the way. After that, a group of people went together to search for traces of him and the king axe in the stone forest, and wanted to join them.

   However, when they came to one of the areas of the stone forest, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting in front of them. They were worried that their own people were being attacked and rushed over. However, when they arrived there, they found that it was not their own people who were fighting, but Zhang Yu's subordinates. In addition to Zhang Yu's people, there is also a black-robed man.

   The man in black robe was very powerful, and Zhang Yu's subordinates barely had the strength to fight back, so they were easily dealt with.

   However, the man in black robe was not in a hurry to execute Zhang Yu's men, but was interrogating them. Cheng Jiang and the others did not appear in a hurry after they found out that something was wrong, but hid not far away and observed secretly. When the black-robed man was interrogating Zhang Yu's subordinates, Cheng Jiang vaguely heard that the other party seemed to mention something 'underworld'. Originally, he wanted to continue eavesdropping, but a companion next to him accidentally made a noise while moving.

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