Hearing the words, Leng Xuan looked around, then checked the direction of the shadow in the picture, and said, "Over there." After saying that, he pointed to the east, "He went over there."

   "Chase!" Zhang Yu showed her body shape and quickly galloped towards the east.

   After walking for a few kilometers, Leng Xuan and Zhang Yu found several corpses again, all of Leng Xuan's subordinates.

   "Huh?" Looking at the corpses, Leng Xuan noticed that one of the corpses was a little different from the others. The other corpses had their souls destroyed and their bodies intact. However, this corpse seemed to have been tortured before death, with scars all over its body. "Brother Leng, look here." Zhang Yu pointed under the palm of the corpse.

  Leng Xuan saw that a small 'South' character was engraved on the side of the body. The handwriting is not very neat, apparently written before death. Perhaps to avoid being discovered by the black-robed man, the word 'South' was deliberately covered under the palm of the hand.

   "South?" Zhang Yu said, "Is he referring to the south?"

   "Probably." Although the other party only left a simple word 'South', Leng Xuan got a lot of information through this word. If he didn't know anything about the underworld, there was no need to leave clues to guide them. Moreover, the other party was tortured before his death, and he must have been treated so inhumanly because he knew some important clues.

   At this moment, Leng Xuan and Zhang Yu rushed to the south.

   After a while, Zhang Yu's tone sank and said, "There."

   At the same time he made his voice, Leng Xuan had already seen the black-robed man in the distance. Seemingly sensing the presence of the two of them, the black-robed man looked back at them, then moved his body and moved quickly.

   "Chase." Leng Xuan's speed immediately increased to the extreme, and shouted violently: "Stop for me!"

   However, the black-robed man seemed to have not heard his shout, and the speed continued to increase, gradually opening the distance between the two sides.

Although   Leng Xuan and Zhang Yu galloped with all their strength, they could not keep up with each other's speed. At this moment, the black-robed man who was escaping suddenly turned around, and one after another fierce cold light burst out of the air and attacked Leng Xuan and the two of them respectively.

   Seeing those cold lights flying over, Leng Xuan's heart moved, and he quickly flashed his figure to avoid the opponent's attack. However, just as the two were dodging the attack, the black-robed man disappeared from their sight.

   "This bastard..." Zhang Yu couldn't help scolding.

   "Brother Zhang." Leng Xuan said, "I think I know who killed Cao Zhi."

   Zhang Yu seemed to have thought of something, and said in surprise, "You wouldn't say, he killed it, right?"

  Leng Xuan nodded. When the cold lights flew past, he noticed that those cold lights were actually ice picks, no different from the ice picks on Cao Zhi. This alone is enough to prove that the person who killed Cao Zhi was a black robe. .

Zhang Yu thought for a while, and said: "We guessed before that that person is likely to be the supreme powerhouse sent by Feng Qingliu, and Cao Zhi is Feng Qingliu's subordinate, since the man in black robe killed Cao Zhi, it means that he is not Feng Qingliu. It was sent by Qingliu.”

"Not necessarily." Leng Xuan said, "I have seen Cao Zhi's body with my own eyes. Judging from the signs around him, Cao Zhi did not resist when he died. In other words, the person who killed him at that time should follow He knew each other, so he was unprepared. Moreover, Cao Zhi was not only hit by the ice pick, but also his soul was destroyed, very similar to the man in black robe."

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