"Let's continue walking this way." Leng Xuan thought for a while and said.

   went hundreds of meters, Leng Xuan has been paying attention to the surrounding situation. There is not much change in this stone forest, there are stones everywhere, and nothing else exists.

   "Brother Wang, do you want to rest first?" The voice fell, and Leng Xuan waited for Wang Axe's response. However, there was no sound behind him. Seeing this, he felt very strange and couldn't help but look behind him. Immediately, his expression changed, and he said in surprise, "Where is the person?" At this moment, there was no one behind him, only himself. He clearly remembered that Su Yurou and the king axe followed behind him and never left. But seeing is believing, he believed that he was not mistaken, Su Yurou and the others had indeed disappeared without a sound. "Yurou... Big Brother Wang..." He shouted loudly, but the surroundings were silent and no one responded.

   At this moment, he quickly turned back along the original road, looking around, searching for their whereabouts. In his opinion, it was impossible for Su Yurou and the others to disappear suddenly, and they would definitely leave clues behind. However, all the way back to the edge of the stone forest, there was no trace of Su Yurou and the others.

   "No." He mused to himself, there must be something he overlooked. At that time, in the place where Zhang Yu and the others were found, he had clearly communicated with Wang Axe. So, if something goes wrong with them, it must have happened there. Thinking of this, he immediately returned to the place where the footprints were found before.

   After checking for a while, he soon noticed that there were many more footprints on the ground. They've been here before, so it's normal for more footprints.

   But the problem is that these footprints are not concentrated, but multiplied in different directions. In addition, there were only a few shallow footprints on the route he had just walked. It can be seen that he was the only one who walked this way at that time, and the others did not follow. But in his memory, Su Yurou and the king axe were obviously following him. "That's the problem," he murmured to himself.

   In his eyes, everyone else followed him along the same route, but in fact, Su Yurou and Wang Axe did not follow him. This shows that everything he sees is an illusion and not real. In other words, this stone forest can create illusions in people's consciousness. Once you figure this out, you can explain why Zhang Yu and the others are scattered here. They didn't think it by themselves, but were deceived by the illusion that they were still together.

   "Illusion." He looked at the stone forest all around, frowning secretly. Illusions cannot appear for no reason, they must be caused by something. Along the way, nothing weird happened. Therefore, the cause of the illusion is likely to come from the stone forest itself. Thinking of this, he tapped his toes, and his figure rose from the ground, standing upright in the air. Looking condescendingly, he raised his brows and said to himself, "Sure enough!"

   As he guessed, all the weirdness came from this stone forest. If the viewing angle is from the ground to the surroundings, there is no strange place at all. However, if you look down from the top, you can find that this stone forest is actually a huge illusion. However, because this illusion is hidden in the stone forest, it is difficult to find its existence. The stone pillars in the stone forest are generally more than ten meters high, but a few of them are nearly twenty meters high.

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