At that time, Wu Ming and the others had successfully passed through the light curtain on the eighth floor. Therefore, with Wu Ming's subordinates guiding the way, they arrived at the entrance of the light curtain on the eighth floor without much effort.

   At this moment, they have to face the dilemma of choosing one out of eight. Among these eight light curtains, they need to choose the right path, and the chance of success is very small.

  Leng Xuan glanced around, his eyes fell on three of the light curtains. There are footprints in front of the three light curtains, indicating that three people and horses entered the three light curtains respectively. Right now, he can rule out the light curtain that Wu Ming entered. Therefore, the other two light curtains must be Zhang Yu and Shang Dong.

   In front of one of the light curtains, there are very few footprints, showing that there is only one person, and it is Shangdong. Because when Shang Dong left, he was the only one. In front of the other light curtain, there are many messy footprints, which must be Zhang Yu and his subordinates. After thinking for a moment, Leng Xuan decided to take the light curtain that Zhang Yu had chosen.

  Compared with Shang Dong, he is more confident to deal with Zhang Yu. What's more, Zhang Yu owes him a request. Stepping across the light curtain, Leng Xuan only felt his eyes lit up. In front of him was actually a green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and the sun was warm. Looking at the surrounding environment, Leng Xuan seemed to have forgotten the danger before and immersed himself in this beauty. "Brother Leng, I'll send someone to look around first." Wang Axe said. With their previous experience, they were much more cautious before taking action.

   Before the spies came back, the group rested on the spot. Su Yurou sat on the grass leaning against Leng Xuan, and said, "Brother Leng Xuan, if you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't believe that there is a Yellow Spring in this world. By the way, you haven't told me yet, what are you doing here in Yellow Spring? ."

"I was tricked." Leng Xuan said, "But it doesn't matter, I will make him pay the price sooner or later." After a while, he changed the subject and asked, "Yurou, you came from the Immortal Realm, what is the current situation? , Did the Demon Emperor and Qin Ming make trouble?"

   "It seems to be very calm recently, nothing happened. When I went to see Senior Feng, he seemed very relaxed."

   "Really?" Leng Xuan was quite surprised. He knew very well the characters of the Demon Emperor and Qin Ming, but it was a little unusual to be so honest.

  Thinking about it, the spies sent by Wang Axe have returned. After listening to the report of the spies, Wang Axe came to Leng Xuan and said, "Brother Leng, we have checked, but there is movement on the south side." Leng Xuan nodded, got up and said, "Go on and go to the south. ."

   "Yes." Wang Axe responded and immediately backed away. Soon, the group set off again and galloped towards the south.

   After half an hour, Leng Xuan saw a stone forest not far away. In the stone forest, the densely packed stone pillars are naturally formed, more than ten meters high, strangely shaped and very spectacular. Not long after the group entered the stone forest, Wang Axe found a large number of footprints in front.

"Strange." Looking at the footprints, Wang Axe muttered to himself, "Brother Leng, look, these footprints are going in all directions. It seems that Zhang Yu and the others are all scattered." Leng Xuan nodded. , is also suspicious. He didn't understand why Zhang Yu wanted to separate from his subordinates. Could it be that he encountered some danger, so he adopted the strategy of breaking it into pieces? In short, through these messy footprints, they couldn't judge Zhang Yu's route.

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