The orientation of these stone pillars, if connected by thin lines, is exactly a formation.

  Leng Xuan checked visually, the area covered by the phantom formation was about several kilometers, and he was now on the edge of the phantom formation. Go a little further, and you will enter the phantom array. The situation of the others must be similar to him. After entering the illusion, they were confused by the illusion and left alone.

   "Break it for me!" With a loud shout, Leng Xuan dashed straight down and bombarded one of the stone pillars. But listening to a loud 'bang', the stone pillar burst open in an instant, turned into countless stone chips, and scattered on the ground. That stone pillar was just a corner of the phantom array. With its destruction, the entire phantom array immediately lost its effectiveness. Although the phantom array was destroyed, the stone forest was still the same stone forest without any change. However, the illusion was destroyed, and those who were confused by the illusion should be able to wake up. Right now, he must find Su Yurou in this stone forest to prevent her from being in danger.

   Entering the stone forest again, Leng Xuan increased his speed and galloped with all his strength, searching various areas and checking for Su Yurou's trail. Before long, he saw a few people lying in front of him. Judging from the clothes, they are all under Zhang Yu's subordinates. The men had already died, and after Leng Xuan checked it, no injuries were found. To be precise, the deaths of these people were mainly because their souls were destroyed, so their bodies were preserved intact.

   Just as he was thinking to himself, a strong wind suddenly approached from behind. Without the slightest hesitation, his whole body became violent, his body moved quickly, and he dodged to the left, avoiding the sudden attack. "Who..." He turned his head, his eyes locked on the person who shot, and he was about to be scolded, but his face suddenly changed, and he still said: "It's you?" Not only him, but the other party also exclaimed. Said: "Why are you?"

   At this moment, it was none other than Zhang Yu who appeared in front of Leng Xuan.

   "Brother Leng, I'm sorry, it was a misunderstanding just now."

   "Misunderstanding?" Leng Xuan looked at him suspiciously, but did not let his guard down.

   "I saw you standing beside the corpses of my men and mistakenly thought you killed them. Besides, you turned your back on me, I didn't know it was you."

   Hearing what he said, Leng Xuan relaxed a little. In this case, it is indeed easy to cause misunderstandings. If it were him, if he saw someone standing next to his corpse, he would probably have made a similar move. At this time, Zhang Yu glanced at the corpses and asked, "Leng Xuan, you killed them?" After a pause, he continued, "If you killed them, then that's normal. After all, we It's a competitive relationship."

"It's not me." Leng Xuan replied, "When I came, they were already dead. However, the people who killed them were very powerful, even if they were not supreme powerhouses, they were almost the same." Hearing this, Zhang Yu was puzzled. :"Why do you say that?"

Leng Xuan pointed to the corpses and said, "Their bodies were preserved intact, but their souls were destroyed. Among the members who participated in the battle for the ghost cave this time, apart from our few supreme powerhouses, some were Daluo Jinxian, the rest are Jinxian. Being able to easily destroy other people's souls shows that the other party's cultivation base is very strong." Listening to his analysis, Zhang Yu walked over to the corpses and checked them carefully. When he saw two of the corpses, his expression suddenly changed, and he said, "Brother Leng, it seems that you are right, the person who started it is indeed a supreme powerhouse."

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