"Leng Er, right now." Hearing his cry, Leng Er, who was transformed into a little giant, immediately stretched out his hands and pushed the body of the alien beast hard from the side.

   At this moment, the attention of the alien beast was already attracted by Leng Xuan, and he didn't expect Leng Er's sudden appearance. When it reacted, Leng Er had already lifted its huge body. Although Leng Er's cultivation is not high, his physical strength is absolutely powerful, which is comparable to Jinxian. This kind of pure power is not difficult for him. Seeing that the body of the alien beast was lifted half a meter high by Leng Er, Leng Xuan immediately moved his body and rushed towards the bottom of the alien beast without saying a word.

   That alien beast has just used the ability to teleport. Five seconds have passed, and there is no way to continue using teleport.

   Taking this opportunity, Leng Xuan's figure flashed, and he got under the belly of the alien beast. I saw a flash of golden light, and Leng Xuan's steel fist slammed into the opponent's abdomen. With just one punch, a blood hole was opened in the belly of the alien beast, and crimson blood gushed out from the wound, instantly staining the ground red.

   "Break!" Leng Xuan shouted violently, his steel fist condensed, and hit the wound again.

   "Boom!" In the deafening loud noise, the abdomen of the alien beast burst open, and the blood gushed and splashed all around. Accompanied by a shrill cry, the head of the alien beast slowly drooped down, the light in his eyes disappeared, and there was no vitality. Leng Xuan let out a sigh of relief, patted Leng Er's sword glow with a smile, and said, "Nice job." After he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that there was a faint light in the wound of the alien beast.

   approached, he lowered his head to check a few times, and found that the faint light came from a crystal clear white bead, "Neidan?"

   Picking up the beads, Leng Xuan took a closer look and felt the surging soul power inside. He immediately affirmed that this was definitely the inner core of a different beast.

   After a short rest, he did not delay and immediately set off for the exit. In order to deal with that strange beast, he had already wasted a lot of time, and it was estimated that Su Yurou and the others were dying of anxiety. Passing through the light curtain, Leng Xuan returned to the entrance of the sixth floor light curtain. As soon as he appeared, he saw a beautiful figure rushing towards him and rushing into his arms. Seeing Ke Ren'er in his arms, he stroked her hair lightly and said with a smile, "It's alright, isn't it fine for me?"

"Brother Leng, let's speed up." Taking advantage of the rest, Wang Axe said, "Zhang Yu and Shang Dong are ahead of us. If we don't hurry up, the ghost weapon will be taken away by the two of them." Leng Xuan smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, let them grab it first." Let's not say whether there really is a ghost weapon in this place, even if there is, it is not his main goal. Right now, both Cao Zhi and Wu Ming are dead, and the only remaining supreme powerhouses are him, Zhang Yu, and Shang Dong.

   Zhang Yu is okay to say, the key is that Shang Dong. As the second strongest in Mausoleum City, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated. Moreover, Shang Dong is very self-sufficient in doing things, completely ignoring others. At this point, he is at a disadvantage because he has so many people to take care of.

   Not only that, but there is one more important thing right now, and that is the toxins in his body. The medicinal pill Su Yurou brought only temporarily suppressed the toxin and could not completely remove it. Therefore, finding an antidote is also the top priority at present.

   After almost resting, Leng Xuan set off again with the group. Before, they caught a few Wu Ming's subordinates.

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