With a thought of   , in the formation, the thunder light surged again, and the splendid purple light instantly filled the formation with a terrifying power.

   "Kill!" Divine Thunder formed, Leng Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed at the alien beast, the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder immediately descended and slammed towards the area where the alien beast was.

   "Boom!" With a loud noise, the area where the alien beast was located was filled with smoke and dust, filling the air. When the dust and smoke gradually dissipated, a huge dirt pit appeared in Leng Xuan's eyes. "Huh?" He was surprised to find that there was no trace of the alien beast in the pit.

   "Escape?" His eyes swept away, just as he expected, the alien beast appeared on the ground hundreds of meters away.

   "Damn teleport." He couldn't help cursing. With this ability, the opponent can evade his attack at any time. With this in mind, he gave up the idea of ​​attacking again. Unless there is a way to solve the opponent's teleportation ability, no matter how strong his attack is, he can't kill the opponent.

  Thinking of this, he withdrew the nine-day star formation, lowered his body again, and came to the front of the alien beast. At this moment, he already has a plan in his mind.

   Pointed toe, Leng Xuan launched the attack without any hesitation. After a round of strong attacks, all of his strength was transformed into the opponent's soft body.

   "Come again!"

   punched out, but at this moment, the target disappeared from his sight.

   "This move again?" Without thinking about it, Leng Xuan turned and turned towards his back. As expected, the alien beast appeared behind him after teleporting.

   After avoiding the attack of the alien beast, Leng Xuan's figure flashed, he got up again, and launched a series of attacks, pressing him step by step. After several times in a row, Leng Xuan finally found the law of the strange beast. Every time the alien beast launches teleportation, there is always about five seconds interval. It can be seen that the ability to teleport is not available all the time, but is time-limited, and can only be used once every five seconds.

   With this important information, it will be much easier to deal with that alien beast. In addition, Leng Xuan also discovered that this strange beast never left the place from beginning to end. In other words, its belly stayed close to the ground and never showed. He just launched more than ten consecutive attacks, each attack targeting a different part of the beast's body. It's a pity that no matter which part it is, the alien beast can unload his power, so he is not hurt. However, there is only one place he has not tried, and that is the belly of the alien beast. Because it was close to the ground, there was no way to start.

  Although the shape of this alien beast is similar to that of a worm, it is normal to stick to the ground, but Leng Xuan doesn’t think so. The belly of that alien beast was probably the weak point, so I never dared to expose it. Thinking of this, he decided to give it a try. As soon as his mind moved, he tapped his toes, and his body was like a cannonball, and he quickly rushed towards the alien beast. But in an instant, the alien beast disappeared in front of his eyes. However, what Leng Xuan was waiting for at the moment was this opportunity.

   At the moment when the alien beast teleported, he immediately turned around and swept aside while dodging the opponent's attack. At this moment, a golden light suddenly lit up from the side of the alien beast. Immediately afterwards, a little giant ten meters tall appeared in Leng Xuan's sight.

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