After a while, he still did not shoot, but quietly observed the other party.

   No matter how strong that alien beast is, there will always be weaknesses. At this time, the strange beast saw that he had not moved for a long time, and began to launch an offensive.

   That alien beast's attack method is relatively simple, the only weapon is the sharp straw on his head. Although the opponent is huge, his movement speed is by no means slow. In the blink of an eye, the alien beast was already approaching ten meters in front of Leng Xuan.

With a movement of   , Leng Xuan dodged to the left side of the beast, his steel fist clenched tightly, about to attack. But at this time, the alien beast suddenly disappeared from the place.

  Leng Xuan was startled for a moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he hurriedly moved to the right. Just as he moved, a sharp object stabbed from behind him. If it was a second later, the sharp object would have pierced into his body. "It's dangerous!" He almost forgot that the opponent has the ability to teleport. Although the attack method is single, with this method, the success rate of the sneak attack can be increased several times.

   Avoiding the attack of the alien beast, Leng Xuan fully opened his spiritual consciousness and enveloped the surroundings to prevent the opponent from teleporting behind him again. "Yes." Suddenly, he thought of a way to rise up into the sky, stand upright in the air, and look down at the alien beast.

  The ground is the main battlefield of the alien beast. If it is in the air, I don’t know if the opponent can exert its power.

   The alien beast looked up at Leng Xuan in midair, and made strange noises from time to time. Looking at the alien beast, Leng Xuan smiled secretly, it turned out that this was its weakness.

   However, just as he was about to leave, the strange beast on the ground suddenly changed. Leng Xuan looked down and saw that the back of the alien beast suddenly cracked a gap, and as the skin separated to both sides, flying insects flew out of the alien beast's body and rushed towards him overwhelmingly.

   "And this trick?" Leng Xuan was astonished, and without thinking about it, he hurriedly moved his body to avoid those flying insects.

   Tens of thousands of flying insects released from the body of the alien beast, densely packed, like a black cloud, quickly approaching Leng Xuan. Leng Xuan's speed is fast, but those flying insects are even faster. In an instant, those flying insects had caught up with him. Immediately, thousands of flying insects gathered together to form a wall of insects, blocking his way. Seeing this, he swung his body and wanted to rush out from the other side.

   But at this time, those flying insects have come from all directions, like a huge box, locking him inside.

   "Let's start!" No matter whether he could retreat, Leng Xuan made a seal on his hands, and his mind moved, and the nine-day star formation immediately summoned. In an instant, all the flying insects around were trapped in the formation. "Tianlei Fire!" With a loud shout, countless thunder lights suddenly flashed from the top of the nine-day star formation. Those thunder lights condensed into one, like huge spheres, falling from the sky and smashing towards those flying insects. At the same time, a deep purple flame suddenly appeared on the surface of those spheres.

   As the thunder fire smashed into the insect swarm, the deep purple flames immediately spread around. As long as the flying insects contaminated with thunder and fire, in the blink of an eye, they turned into ashes and disappeared into the air. Under the powerful impact of thunder and fire, the swarm quickly collapsed. Seeing that the swarm was resolved, Leng Xuan fixed his gaze on the alien beast on the ground. "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, congeal!"

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