As soon as the voice fell, the alien beast had already locked its target on the king axe and was rushing towards him quickly. Seeing this, Leng Xuan's figure flashed, and his speed increased to the extreme. He grabbed the alien beast and blocked its way.

   "Accept the move!" With a loud shout, Leng Xuan transformed into electricity, rushing up, like an army of thousands of horses, marching forward inexorably, and the majestic momentum poured out madly.

   Facing Leng Xuan's steel fist, the alien beast didn't dodge or evade, and directly pushed it with its own head.

   "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and Leng Xuan's steel fist accurately hit the opponent's head. However, when the steel fist fell, his expression suddenly changed. He naturally knew the strength of his punch. However, the moment he hit the opponent, he found that the skin of the alien beast suddenly sunk in, like a wave of water, rippling around, removing all his strength. If the attack failed, Leng Xuan immediately retreated without saying a word.

   At this time, Wang Axe had already left with Su Yurou and the others. "My lord, I won't play with you anymore." Leng Xuan smiled, rose from the ground, and galloped towards the exit.

   "Bang!" Leng Xuan felt as if he had hit something soft, and his body was bounced back after flying more than ten meters away. Looking closely, he was surprised to find that the strange beast actually blocked his way. "Impossible!" He clearly remembered that he avoided the other party, and the two sides were at least twenty meters apart. Moreover, if the other party came from the other side, he would definitely be able to notice.

   "Could it be... teleportation?" It seemed a little weird, but in order to verify his thoughts, Leng Xuan turned his head again and rushed in the opposite direction.

   This time, before he rushed out ten meters, he saw the alien beast appearing in front of him out of thin air, blocking his way.

   "Sure enough!" His face sank, no wonder Wu Ming failed to escape, it turned out that this strange beast still possesses this ability.

   "Sky-Defying Sword Formation, open!" As his thoughts turned, Leng Xuan immediately had a countermeasure in his heart. Four bright rays of light flashed.

   "Formation!" The voice fell, and the four swords immediately burst into a dazzling light, connecting with each other, forming a semi-circular mask, trapping the alien beast in it. Taking this opportunity, Leng Xuan moved his body again and galloped towards the exit.

   Thirty meters... 50 meters... Leng Xuan walked all the way, and seeing that the strange beast never appeared again, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. However, before he had time to be happy, he saw a behemoth appear in front of him, it was the alien beast.

   "This guy..." Leng Xuan frowned secretly. I thought I could trap the opponent with the enchantment of the anti-sky sword array to prevent the opponent from teleporting, but I didn't expect that the power of the enchantment was only delayed for a little time. If he can't stop this strange beast, then he won't even think about escaping from this place.

  Thinking back to the beginning, it took a lot of hard work to become a supreme powerhouse. However, even after becoming the supreme powerhouse, the challenges are still constant. Calm down, he forced himself to remain calm. Taking a deep breath, he looked vigilantly at the alien beast in front of him. This alien beast is very strong, but if it really needs to be cultivated, the other party cannot be compared with himself. The reason why the alien beast is so difficult to deal with is mainly because of its special abilities, one is teleportation, and the other is the softness of its body, which can completely unload its power.

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