"Leng Xuan, remember it for me, as long as I don't die, I will avenge today's revenge tenfold." As the words fell, Wu Ming endured the pain and flew away.

   "Brother Leng, this is..." Wang Axe looked at Su Yurou, who was standing next to Leng Xuan, and asked.

   "This is my friend, Su Yurou." Leng Xuan gave a brief introduction, then walked to the stone monument. After taking a closer look, he clenched his steel fist and slammed towards the base of the stone tablet. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" With three punches in a row, the base of the stone tablet suddenly shattered.

   "Brother Leng, what are you doing?" Wang Axe and others were very puzzled when they saw Leng Xuan's actions.

   "This is a good thing." Leng Xuan smiled, picked up the stone tablet, and put it away. Although the blood lake in this stone tablet contains a strong violent aura, the power of the soul contained in it is very abundant. In addition, he now has Qingxin Ye, which can avoid the influence of violent aura. For him, the blood lake is an excellent training place. Everything was in order, and the six men set off for the exit.

   However, the group did not go far when they heard a scream coming from not far ahead. "It's Wu Ming's voice." Wang Axe immediately responded.

   "Didn't that guy already leave?" Leng Xuan secretly said, "Let's go and have a look."

  The six people accelerated and crossed a pile of rocks. At this moment, something seemed to fall in the air. Leng Xuan took a closer look, and his face couldn't help changing. He found that the falling object was actually Wu Ming. Looking at Wu Ming's almost transparent soul body, it was obvious that he had suffered heavy damage and his life was not guaranteed.

   "Who did it?" As soon as the thought came up, Leng Xuan heard a strange sound approaching quickly. Looking up, I saw a behemoth rushing towards them. The giant was like a worm, swinging a huge body, and on its head, there was a straw-like object that was very sharp. Seeing that thing, Leng Xuan immediately froze. The corpses he had seen before were all with a huge blood hole torn open in their chests. It now appears that those people were all killed by this alien beast. "Disperse!" Seeing the giant worm rushing towards him, Leng Xuan shouted loudly, his figure flashed, avoiding the worm's travel route.

   "Ah!" With a scream, the sharp object on the head of the giant worm directly pierced into Wu Ming's soul body. Immediately afterwards, a **** light flashed from the surface of the sharp object, forcibly absorbing Wu Ming's soul body.

  Leng Xuan's heart sank as he looked at Wu Ming who disappeared on the ground. This alien beast is so powerful that it can directly absorb the body of a human soul. The body of the soul is formed by the power of the soul. In short, the power of the soul that condenses into the body of the soul is the most pure.

   However, Wu Ming's luck was too bad. He let him go by himself, but he died at the hands of the alien beast.

   "Brother Cold!"

   "Brother Wang, take the others to go first, I'll come to the rear of the palace." Leng Xuan said loudly. This place has already been explored and found nothing, so there is no need for unnecessary battles. Moreover, this alien beast can easily kill Wu Ming, which shows that it is very powerful. If the human hand is damaged here, it will not be worth it.

   "Brother Leng Xuan." Su Yurou was a little worried.

   "Yurou, don't worry, go with Big Brother Wang first, and I'll go to meet you right away. Not good!"

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