"Leng Xuan? He said he has something to do, and he has been away for a long time. What, you have something to do with him?"

   "No, I..." Su Yurou hesitated for a moment, then said, "I have a bad feeling, it has something to do with Brother Leng Xuan, I... dreamed that he... died."

"Dead?" Feng Lie immediately said, "Impossible, who he is, you and I know, how could he die so easily. And you also said that it's just a dream, the dream is fake. Yurou, I I know that you care about Leng Xuan, but there is a saying that it is good to say that if you care, you will be messed up. So, don't think too much about it."

   "But..." Su Yurou wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start. Maybe what Feng Lie said was right, but concern was messed up. She missed Leng Xuan too much, so even a dream made her extremely worried.

   Leaving the hall, Su Yurou was about to leave when she saw a child walking towards her.

   "Sister Yurou?" Seeing her, the child seemed very happy, and hurried up to meet her, "When did you come?"

   "Zhu Yang, can you not call me sister, you are so much older than me, calling me sister, I feel weird."

  Zhu Yang said with a smile: "My sister sounds more intimate."

   "Aren't you in the secular world, why did you come to the shrine?"

   "I'm bored, so come and have a look. How about you?"

   "I... I'm worried that something happened to Brother Leng Xuan, so I came over and asked."

   "What's the matter? Tell me."

   At this moment, Su Yurou explained what she saw in her dream. After listening to this, Zhu Yang's expression suddenly sank, "That dream of yours...maybe it's not as simple as a dream." Hearing this, Su Yurou asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You have a body of immortal yin, and you have **** with Leng Xuan, so there is a mysterious relationship between the two of you, which is like an invisible thread connecting you to each other. If any of you meet Another person should sense the danger. So I said, the dream you saw may represent that Leng Xuan's situation is very critical." Hearing his analysis, Su Yurou said anxiously, "Then what should I do?"

   "Don't worry, there will always be a solution." Zhu Yang thought about it, and immediately brought Su Yurou to Fenglie. Feng Lie might not believe what Su Yurou said just now, but from what Zhu Yang said, the nature was completely different. Feng Lie knew very well who Zhu Yang was, and even he said so, proving that Leng Xuan was most likely in danger. "I said, don't you know what Leng Xuan is doing?" Zhu Yang asked.

"I really don't know." Feng Lie said, "He only told me that he has important matters to deal with and needs to leave for a while. I think, with his cultivation, no one in the fairyland can hurt him, so he Don't ask much."

   "Can't we find him?" Su Yurou asked.

   "The immortal world is so big, and we don't have any clues at all, so we won't be able to find it in a while."

   "It's not that there is no way at all." Zhu Yang thought about it and said, "I have a way to not only find him, but also save him."

   "What way?" Su Yurou Fenglie said in unison.

"The body of immortal yin." Zhu Yang said, "I said that you and Leng Xuan have a very mysterious relationship. With this relationship, I can find out his whereabouts and send you to him. Of course, There is a price to be paid for that. But I'm sure you won't mind."

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