But in the blink of an eye, he found that his limbs began to not obey, and his body was stiff, as if frozen.

   The most terrible thing is that the bloodthirsty thoughts are getting stronger and stronger, constantly impacting his consciousness, wanting to replace the control of his body. He knew very well that once his consciousness was replaced, he would instantly become a bloodthirsty living dead. "King..." He tried to call King Axe's name, hoping that the other party would come to help him. However, as soon as the words came out, he felt that his mouth was out of control, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

   "Leng Er!" At the critical moment, only Leng Er could save him. As soon as his mind moved, Leng Er immediately appeared beside him. No need for Leng Xuan to say more, Leng Er had already picked up his body and quickly rushed out of the blood-shrouded area. However, just when they were about to rush out of that **** light, the change started again.

   The blood light that enveloped the surroundings suddenly condensed, and all of them were retracted into the stone tablet. At the same time, Leng Er and Leng Xuan, who were originally shrouded in blood, were all sucked into the stone tablet by the blood.

   "Hey, what about Brother Leng?" The blood light disappeared, and Wang Axe immediately noticed Leng Xuan's disappearance. Without thinking about it, he hurriedly rushed to the stone tablet, searching for Leng Xuan's whereabouts.

   At this moment, in a mysterious and eerie space, Leng Xuan and Leng Er stood quietly, with darkness in front of them. Even if Leng Er was standing beside him, he couldn't see it, he could only feel his presence. After a while, a light gradually lit up in front of his eyes. Immediately afterwards, the ray of light became brighter and brighter, like the sun shining through the clouds, shining on the earth and dedicating light. With that light, Leng Xuan finally saw the surroundings clearly.

   It seemed like a lake of blood, and he and Leng Er were standing in the lake of blood. The reason why it is called Blood Lake is because the lake water is red, like blood. Their lower bodies were already submerged in the blood lake, but they didn't feel it.

   He tried to move his body, but his legs seemed to be rooted and could not move. Not only him, but even Leng Er was trapped.

   "Here again!" He gritted his teeth, and his expression gradually became painful. Especially his eyes, a red color flashed out from time to time.

   "No." He endured the pain and tried to stay awake. The poison had spread all over his body, and it was about to capture his consciousness.

   "Leng Er... Save..." At this moment, in his eyes, everything became blurred, and he knew exactly what it meant. He wanted to call for help, but he was only halfway through his words, and his eyes were already replaced by darkness, and he lost all his six senses.

   "Brother Leng Xuan!" At the same time, in another world, Su Yurou suddenly woke up from her sleep, calling out Leng Xuan's name.

   "No...it must have been a nightmare." She wiped the sweat from her forehead, got up and got off the bed, looking at the night view outside the window with a hesitant expression. Just now, the scene of Leng Xuan's death appeared in her mind. Although she often misses, but this situation has never happened. And, if it was a dream, why was that feeling so real, as if it happened right beside her.

   "Brother Leng Xuan..." Muttering, she put on her clothes and went out directly.


   "Senior Feng, where is Brother Leng Xuan?"

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