Su Yurou said without any hesitation, "As long as I can find Brother Leng Xuan, I don't care what it costs."

   Zhu Yang said with a smile: "Very good, I'll make arrangements first, and find me in half an hour."

   Huangquan, in the ghost cave.

  Leng Xuan stood quietly in the blood lake, his expression was dull, as if he had lost his life, his face was as pale as paper, and there was no trace of expression in his eyes.

   "Big Brother..." Leng Er shouted softly on the side, trying to wake up Leng Xuan, but unfortunately, Leng Xuan never responded.

   At this moment, in the blood lake, a water column suddenly gushed out from the bottom of the lake. Immediately afterwards, the water column gradually transformed into a human form. If Leng Xuan still retains consciousness at this time, he will definitely be able to recognize that the person who is transformed from the lake is Wu Ming.

   "Leng Xuan." Wu Ming sneered, "I didn't expect you to die in my hands." With a wave of his hand, several water jets immediately supported Leng Xuan's body and slowly rose.

   "Dead?" Seeing Leng Xuan, who was gently held up by the water column, Wu Ming seemed a little surprised. He thought that the other party would at least resist. Seeing this, he moved and approached Leng Xuan. Looking at Leng Xuan lying quietly in the water column, Wu Ming squinted his eyes, flicked his wrist, and a cold light suddenly shot out, hitting Leng Xuan's head.

   However, at the moment when the cold light was about to penetrate Leng Xuan's head, he who had not reacted suddenly moved, his godless eyes were filled with a red color, bloodthirsty and violent.

   "Pretend to be dead?" Wu Ming snorted coldly, his hands were flat, and a stream of water column suddenly shot up from behind him, turning into a sky-filled water snake, coiling around him.

   "Death!" The word "Dead!" was uttered, and the water snakes immediately swayed and flew towards Leng Xuan.

   At this moment, facing the rapidly approaching water snake, Leng Xuan, who had already lost his mind, responded immediately. Although his consciousness was eroded by the venom, his body still had an instinctive response.

  Four splendid rays of light descended from the sky and turned into four swords, standing around him, turning rapidly, forming a layer of sword and shield to resist the attacks of those water snakes. With the protection of the Heaven-Defying Sword Array, although the attacks of those water snakes were fierce, they were still unable to approach Leng Xuan's body.

   Seeing this, Wu Ming's offensive changed, and his figure rose from the lake and stood upright in the air. At the same time, in the blood lake, a huge splash suddenly erupted, as if something rushed out from the bottom of the lake. Suddenly, clusters of water waves surged out, forming a huge vortex in the center of the blood lake.

   With the appearance of the vortex, the powerful impact force of the water current drove Leng Xuan's body, constantly moving in the blood lake. Leng Xuan raised his head, his red eyes stared at Wu Ming, and his figure quickly pulled up. However, just as he flew up, in the huge vortex, a giant hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed him. The giant hand was condensed from the lake water in the blood lake, and a single finger was several meters long.

   Leng Xuan, who had lost his mind and was driven entirely by instinct, was caught by the giant hand before he could react. Immediately afterwards, the giant hand violently pulled Leng Xuan into the whirlpool. Grabbed by the giant hand, Leng Xuan roared, trying to break free. But no matter how hard he tried, it didn't work. The giant hand was like a shackle, tightly imprisoning his body.

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