Passing through the light curtain, Leng Xuan only felt that his eyes were dark, and he appeared in the place where there might be a hidden weapon. Looking around, the light around is very weak, and there is a dampness in the air. Looking around, there are scattered stones piled up everywhere, like a mass grave. Not long after he walked out, he saw that there were several corpses lying in front of him, all of Wu Ming's subordinates. These people were killed before they could escape.

   came to the corpse, he took a closer look, and saw that the corpses were in the same state of death, with a large hole in the chest, and blood flowed everywhere. The blood hole was so big that it almost emptied out the entire chest, so it couldn't be artificial. Judging from the viscosity of the blood, these corpses had just died not long ago.

   "Be careful, the things that killed these people may still be nearby." Leng Xuan reminded.

   There were five people along the way, led by Leng Xuan, walking at the forefront, Wang Axe and the other three were responsible for the safety of the sides and the rear. After walking more than 100 meters, Leng Xuan saw several corpses again. These corpses are like marks that can guide them to find the whereabouts of Wu Ming.

   "Brother Leng, we are here." Wang Axe looked not far away and said.

   In the mid-air 100 meters in front of them, a blood-red light shrouded. That light is like a cloud, covering the surrounding ten meters.

   Under the blood-red light, a huge stone tablet stood there, emitting a strange light. Not only that, there were more than a dozen corpses scattered around the stele, and the death was very tragic. They were all pierced through their chests, and there were bloodstains everywhere. Leng Xuan took a few glances, feeling a little strange in his heart. He clearly remembered that those who escaped said that they had seen terrifying things at the time, but now, there is only a strange stone tablet here.

   "Brother Leng, why don't I go check it out?" Wang Axe volunteered.

   "No, you stay here." Leng Xuan replied. I don't know what is weird about the stone tablet. If there is danger, it is better to deal with it with his cultivation.

   came to the front of the stone monument, Leng Xuan kept a distance of about ten meters, and did not continue to move forward. The corpses around were all lying within ten meters of the stone tablet, so it can be seen that there must be something strange within these ten meters. After a little thought, he picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the stone tablet.

   However, the stone had not yet touched the stele, and it just entered a range of ten meters, and it exploded directly, turned into powder, and floated in the air. From beginning to end, Leng Xuan did not see clearly how the stone was destroyed. Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, a mutation suddenly appeared around the stone tablet.

The blood-red light at the top of    suddenly condensed and poured into the stone tablet. With the injection of blood-red light, a dazzling blood light burst out on the surface of the stone tablet, spreading rapidly around. Leng Xuan was too late to retreat, and was immediately enveloped by the **** light.

   Under the shroud of blood, Leng Xuan felt a shock all over his body, and a bloodthirsty thought suddenly rose from his mind, destroying his consciousness.

   "Not good!" His heart sank, "It's venom!" He thought that he had temporarily suppressed the venom in his body, but the strange blood light seemed to have a stimulating effect on the venom. Under the shroud of blood, he felt that the venom in his body was spreading rapidly, spreading to all parts of his body.

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