Blocking the strong light, he looked around, trying to find the location of Shang Dong's people. However, the area covered by the strong light was so large that even things within ten meters could not be clearly seen. At this moment, Shang Dong's voice came from the other end of the light: "Brother Leng, are you there?"

   "Yes." Leng Xuan replied. Hearing Shang Dong's voice, he was about thirty meters away from him, right in front of him.

   Immediately, he greeted Wang Axe and led the crowd towards the light again. In order to avoid the impact of that light on the power of the soul, Leng Xuan did not dare to waste time, so he ran towards the opposite side at a fast speed. After a few seconds, he passed through the light smoothly and saw Shang Dong who was waiting for them and his group of men. "There is a stone room here, where Wu Ming controlled the mechanism before." Shang Dong said as he walked, "They knew we had cracked the mechanism, so they left first. I checked and they should have gone this way. ." Saying that, he pointed.

  Leng Xuan raised his eyes and saw that the direction of Shang Dong's finger was a very narrow passage. From the entrance of the passage, it should lead directly to the top.

   "Qi Ge, you lead the way." As soon as Shang Dong's voice fell, a slender man immediately got into the passage with more than a dozen men. After a while, there was a dull sound of 'bang bang' in the passage. "It's Qi Ge's signal, it's temporarily safe inside." Said, Shang Dong made a gesture, and the elites behind him acted immediately and got into the passage one after another. After all the people in Shangdong entered, Leng Xuan followed behind and entered the passage.

   Walking along the narrow passage for about fifty meters, Leng Xuan suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the front, as if someone was shouting something.

   "What's the matter?" asked the king axe following him. Leng Xuan also wanted to know what was going on, but there were too many people in front of the passage, which not only obstructed the line of sight, but when there were too many people, the sound became more cluttered and it was difficult to hear clearly. However, the only thing he can be sure of is that something must have happened in front of him, otherwise, why would the people in front stop moving. Just thinking about it, those people walking in front of the passage suddenly turned their heads and rushed back quickly, shouting, "Go back, go back!" Although Leng Xuan was puzzled, seeing the panic on everyone's faces, Knowing that things are definitely not easy.

   "Brother Wang, tell all the people behind to leave." Leng Xuan gave the order, looking forward from time to time. Suddenly, in the crowd in front of the passage, a man suddenly pounced from the top of the crowd. The man grabbed the stone at the top of the passage with both hands, turned his back to the crowd below, moved quickly in the passage, and occasionally reached out to grab the people below. As the strangely-behaved man gradually approached, Leng Xuan could see clearly that the man's face was cyan, as if he had been poisoned. His eyes were red, and he seemed to have lost his mind, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, which was very hideous.

   And behind the man, there are many people with the same symptoms. Anyone who was scratched by the man, the skin immediately turned blue and spread to the whole body. "Are the living dead?" Seeing the situation of those people, Leng Xuan's mind suddenly thought of the living dead, which was very similar to what he had seen in movies before.

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