In an inconspicuous corner, Leng Xuan found a pattern engraved on the stone wall, which was exactly similar to the shapes connected to those grooves.

   In that pattern, some lines are replaced with red. Seeing this, Leng Xuan suddenly understood why some grooves were filled with blood. Those blood didn't flow into the corpse naturally, but someone deliberately put it in. When searching for clues before, King Axe found the pattern. However, since he didn't know the existence of those grooves at the time, he didn't know the function of the pattern, so he just ignored it.

   There are corpses everywhere, and they have just died not long ago, so blood is easy to get. Obviously, after Wu Ming and the others found the solution, they cleaned up the blood in several of the grooves, so as not to let them get something for nothing. According to the sign of the pattern, everyone quickly filled the designated grooves with blood. When everything was completed, all the rubble scattered on the ground moved, and then flew into the surrounding black holes.

   Not only that, the four black holes that were originally broken were all sealed up automatically and restored to their original state, and there was no trace of them being broken.

   At the top of their heads, a huge hole appeared, leading directly to the unknown space above.

   "I'll take the lead first." The words fell, and before Leng Xuan could say more, Shang Dong had already flown through the hole and disappeared from everyone's sight.

   "Brother Leng, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that everyone was almost gone, Wang Axe saw that Leng Xuan was still standing, so he could not help but pat him on the shoulder and asked.

Leng Xuan looked at the corpses all over the place and said puzzled: "These are Cao Zhi's subordinates, they are all dead, but what about Cao Zhiren? Zhang Yu and Wu Ming regard him as an enemy and should not let him go easily. Besides, we When I was outside, I didn't see Cao Zhi escape."

   Wang Axe thought for a while and said, "Perhaps he and Wu Ming reached an agreement and went to search for the whereabouts of the underworld weapon together."

  Leng Xuan nodded secretly, there is indeed a possibility. At the moment, he showed his body and passed through the hole above his head. When the two of them left, there were corpses everywhere in the huge cave. However, at this moment, one of the corpses lying on the ground suddenly moved. Immediately afterwards, the 'corpse' stood up from the ground and looked up at the unclosed hole above its head. If Leng Xuan and the others were here, they would definitely recognize that this person was Cao Zhi.

   Passing through the entrance of the cave, Leng Xuan immediately felt a strong light coming. He raised his hand, blocked the glare, and looked forward through his fingers. Not far in front of him, a dazzling and dazzling light floated. He walked over carefully and slowly merged his body into the light.

   Under the shroud of that ray of light, Leng Xuan only felt a trace of cool air penetrated through his skin and penetrated into his body, nourishing his soul, that feeling was very comfortable. However, in less than a moment, Leng Xuan suddenly reacted, and hurriedly backed away, leaving the range shrouded in light.

   "I almost fell for it." Leng Xuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Although that light can nourish the soul, it gives people a feeling of comfort. However, at the same time, he secretly stole the soul power in his body. Fortunately, he found out in time, otherwise, the trouble would be big.

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