Seeing those living dead rushing towards this side, Leng Xuan couldn't think about it, and hurriedly urged everyone behind him to leave.

   "Bang!" With a punch, a living dead who rushed towards him was instantly knocked out by him and fell into the crowd. However, what surprised Leng Xuan was that his punch did not kill the opponent. Looking at the commotion in the crowd, the living dead seemed to still be able to move. Think about it, if it is so easy to deal with, how can people be afraid. There are many experts in Shang Dong's camp, and there are not many Daluo Jinxian alone.

   However, since this place was created by that mysterious person, no matter how terrible the situation is, it is normal.

   In the panic, everyone's potential was exploded. Soon, Leng Xuan's men withdrew from the passage. Shang Dong's men and horses walked in front, and they retreated slowly. When Shang Dong and the others all withdrew, Leng Xuan discovered that Shang Dong's subordinates had lost more than 20 people, while he had no losses. After everyone withdrew from the passage, the living dead did not continue to pursue, but returned to the passage.

   At this moment, with the loss of so many people, Rao is Shang Dong with a peaceful mind, and his face is a little ugly.

   "Lord Shang, what's going on?" Leng Xuan walked over and asked. Shang Dong walked ahead with his people and knew best what was happening in the passage.

"I believe you have seen those things." Shang Dong said, "When we walked to the middle of the passage, we found that there were dozens of such ghosts in front of us. Judging from their clothes, they were all Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu. Wu Ming's subordinates must have encountered the same situation as us when they entered the passage." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "We didn't see Zhang Yu and Wu Ming on the way in, which means they have passed through the passage. already."

   "Brother Leng, those things are a bit troublesome and hard to kill. We want to pass, and others can't count on them, so we can only rely on the two of us."

   Hearing the words, Leng Xuan immediately understood what he meant, and replied, "No problem." After a short rest, Shang Dong and Leng Xuan let everyone stay where they were, and then, one after the other, they got into the passage again. There was no light in the channel, it was very dark, but it didn't matter to them.

   After walking for more than 30 meters, Shang Dong, who was leading the way, made a gesture to the back, and Leng Xuan nodded lightly to show his understanding. Further ahead is the gathering place of the living dead. Shang Dong's meaning is to let him be vigilant and be careful of the attacks of the living dead. This time, only the two of them entered the passage, and the space for activities was slightly more spacious. Even if there was danger, they could evacuate as soon as possible.

   After moving a few steps forward, a living dead finally appeared in Leng Xuan's line of sight. The living dead closed his eyes and squatted in the darkness, as if he was sleeping. Continuing to walk out a distance of two meters, more and more living dead appeared in front of the passage, squatting side by side on both sides.

   Leng Xuan and Shang Dong held his breath and approached the living dead step by step. Just when they were about two meters away from each other, the living dead who was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes, made an unpleasant roar from his mouth, and rushed towards the two of them. With the action of pressing a living dead, the rest of the living dead all woke up, like a raging tide, rushing frantically.

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