Looking around, Leng Xuan suddenly heard a voice coming from behind. Turning his head to look, as expected, Hades stood quietly behind him.

   "It's amazing." He was secretly shocked, and he didn't actually sense the appearance of the King of Hell. "It turned out to be an adult." He smiled slightly, "Meet again."

   "Why are you the only one, Yan Chengfeng?" King Yama asked.

   "He had an accident and I was the only one who survived."

"Leng Xuan, you really surprised me, you were able to find the entrance to the soul power space from the soul gathering coffin. Do you know that only those who have made great achievements are qualified to enter here, and you are the only outsider. Those who enter the soul power space."

   "I can only say that I am lucky." Leng Xuan smiled. After a pause, he turned his head and said, "By the way, Lord Hell, do you know that there are other secrets hidden in this soul power space?"

   Hearing the words, Hades changed his expression and asked, "What secret?"

   "Why, you are the master of this space, don't you know?" Leng Xuan was very surprised, "Come on, I'll show you." After speaking, he moved and rose into the sky. After a while, he brought the King of Hell to the light curtain, "This is it."

   Hades looked at the light curtain and said solemnly, "When did this appear?"

"some days ago."

   "Did you go in?"

   "It can be said that it is more dangerous inside. I don't dare to go too deep. Since you are here, let's continue to investigate, maybe there will be unexpected discoveries."

   After the words were finished, Leng Xuan had already stepped into the light curtain without waiting for Yan Wang to say more. Looking at Leng Xuan, who had disappeared, King Yan hesitated for a moment, and then stepped into the light curtain. With a flash of light, Hades immediately appeared in a dark space. Being here, Hades found that the layer of 'swish' behind him disappeared in a flash. At the same time, he felt that the power of the soul in his body was actually suppressed. "Not good!" He was startled and had an ominous premonition.

   "Leng Xuan." He called Leng Xuan's name loudly. However, Leng Xuan did not respond at all, as if he had already left.

   "This bastard..." Hades cursed secretly, and walked forward in the dark. Just like when Leng Xuan came before, Hades groped for more than half an hour in the dark environment before arriving at the entrance of the waterfall. "What place is this?" Feeling the strong soul power around him, Hades couldn't help but secretly startled. The power of the soul here is several times more abundant than the power of the soul in the soul power space. This space is not big, and the king of **** quickly noticed the green forest not far away.

   Came outside the green forest, Hades stopped, looked around, and surveyed the surrounding environment. Although his cultivation is unparalleled in Huangquan, he is still very careful. He will not take risks easily until he has no absolute certainty. "Leng Xuan, come out, I know you're inside."

   Leng Xuan is indeed in the middle of the woods, looking at the King of Hell outside through the lush foliage. However, when he heard Yama's voice, he did not respond. Whether or not the King of Hell wants to deceive him, he will not be easily fooled. After all, Hades is not someone to mess with. Even if the power of the soul in Hades' body is suppressed, the other party has reached the point of sanctification of the flesh. At the beginning, when he faced the Immortal King in Xiancheng, he had experienced the power of the sanctification of the flesh.

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