"Of course you can't do it alone. However, if you have me to assist you, you have a chance to succeed. When you entered this space, you must have noticed that in this place, the power of the soul in the body will be suppressed. Therefore, As long as you lead the King of Hell here, it means half the success. As long as the King of Hell cannot use the power of his soul, we can **** the ghost from him."

   "I still think it's too risky. King Yama's cultivation has reached the point of sanctification of the body. Even without the power of the soul, we are no match for the power of his body alone."

   "He can't use soul power here, it doesn't mean I can't."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately reacted. Yes, just now the other party used the power of soul in front of him. Moreover, the other party can easily restrain himself, indicating that his cultivation is similar to his own. In this case, there is indeed hope of success. However, if he takes action against the King of Hell, even if he escapes from here, he will become the enemy of the King of Hell. His purpose of approaching the King of Hell was mainly for the fruit of life and death. Once the two sides became enemies, he would not even think about fighting the fruit of life and death. Seeing his hesitant look, the corpse said coldly, "Why, don't you agree?"

   "How much do you know about the fruit of life and death?" Leng Xuan asked rhetorically.

   "The fruit of life and death?" The corpse sneered, "I see, you approached the king of **** just for the fruit of life and death?"

   "Yes, this is the main purpose of my coming to Huangquan from Immortal Realm. If I help you deal with Yama, he will definitely regard me as an enemy, and..."

"Okay, you don't have to say it, I know what you mean. Don't worry, as long as you save me from this place, I will tell you the whereabouts of the fruit of life and death. I think I am the only one in this world who knows about the king of hell. Where did you hide that fruit of life and death?"

   "Okay, the deal!" Leng Xuan agreed without saying a word, "However, before I start, I need to meet my friend to confirm his safety."

"You don't need to see me." The corpse refused, "After the matter is completed, I will hand him over to you." After a pause, he continued: "I will create some movement in the ghost to attract the attention of the King of Hell. . Once he enters the soul power space, it's up to you."

   "Then how do I return to the soul power space?"

   "Go back as you come."

  Leng Xuan thought about it for a while, and said puzzled: "I don't quite understand, since I can enter and exit the soul power space, why can't you?"

   "You have too many questions." The corpse said coldly, "Remember, what you have to do is to save me out, not ask why, I don't want it to happen again."

   "Okay, when I didn't ask anything." Leaving the place where the corpse lived, Leng Xuan followed the same path, passed through the light curtain, and returned to the soul power space.

   "What is that guy's identity?" Sitting on the ground, Leng Xuan thought to himself. From the corpse's tone, it can be heard that there is a deep hatred between the other party and the King of Hell. It is very possible that the two of them are characters from the same era. In his wild thoughts, he suddenly felt a strong fluctuation in the soul power space.

   "Someone came in." He stood up suddenly and looked around. The corpse said before that he would create movement in the yin spirit to attract the attention of the king of hell. It now appears that his plan has succeeded.

   "Leng Xuan, so you are here."

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