After a while, Hades saw that there was no movement in the forest, and finally decided to enter the forest.

  Leng Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the King of Hell entering the forest. The corpse's account has been completed, and the next step is to see the corpse's ability.

   Not long after walking into the green forest, Hades noticed the corpses hanging upside down from the trees. Seeing the eyes of those corpses that had been dug out, Yan Wang's brows were immediately locked, and his face was as cold as frost. "You gouged out their eyes just because you don't want them to see your respectable face?" Suddenly, the King of Hell stopped and slowly spit out a sentence. Leng Xuan, who had been following him all the time, was astonished in his heart. Could it be that the King of Hell had already guessed the identity of the other party?

   He was a little puzzled, what was the relationship between the two people.

  As Yan Wang's voice fell, the hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the forest: "Ye Wang, do you know how long I have waited for this day?"

"I thought you were dead long ago." Yan Wang's tone seemed a bit low and hoarse, and he snorted in fear, he said slowly, "If I remember correctly, it should have been more than 20,000 years. You are here alone. Having lived in this space for so many years, it’s hard for you.” The corpse sneered: “It’s hard for me? If you had the heart, you wouldn’t have done that back then.”

"I just made a choice that anyone would make, even if it were you. I admit that sometimes I blame myself for what happened that day, but if I were to make another choice , I still won't change. Once the success is complete, the bones will die. Many times, in order to succeed, we must be ruthless." Yan Wang said, "You have been here for more than 20,000 years, and you must hate me every day."

   "I hate you more than that." The corpse man gritted his teeth and said, "I can't wait to eat your flesh and swallow your blood to relieve the hatred in my heart."

"Unfortunately, your chance." After he finished speaking, Yan Wang turned his head to look around and said slowly: "Leng Xuan, you have disappointed me a lot. Originally, I wanted to reuse you and make you my right-hand man. However, you United outsiders want to frame me. Do you know how stupid it is to do so. However, it is too late to look back now. I will give you a chance to change. If you kill that person, not only will I not blame you, but I will continue to Reuse you. How?"

   Hearing the words of the King of Hell, Leng Xuan couldn't help but feel a little moved. The corpse asked him to deal with the King of Hell, and if he told his heart, he would not be very sure. However, if he joins forces with Hades to deal with the corpse, he will be 100% successful. More importantly, he could use this to get close to Hades and continue his previous plan.

   But the problem is that if he does this, Yan Chengfeng will definitely be in danger, which he does not want to happen.

   "Why, haven't you thought about it yet? You should think about it clearly, follow me, and you can protect your life's prosperity and wealth. If you are still obsessed, then I will take your life." Yama said coldly.

"Leng Xuan, if you don't want your friend to have something to do with it, you'd better do as I say. Also, don't you want the fruit of life and death? In Huangquan, apart from the king of **** and the king of ghosts, only I know the whereabouts of the fruit of life and death. You If you cooperate with the King of Hell, do you expect him to give you the fruit of life and death? Stop dreaming. If he does that, then he is not the King of Hell. A beast like him who is ruthless and can hurt even his own relatives, don't believe it ."

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