"What the **** is going on here?" Qin Fang was very puzzled. Just now, he clearly saw the other party leave with Xing Feng's head, and he personally dug out Xing Feng's lower body from the ruins. "That's my business, you don't need to know so much." Xing Feng said, "Remember, only you can know about this matter, don't tell others that I'm still alive. In addition, the plan we made before is carried out as usual. "

   "Master Xing is leaving?"

"I have something else to do. I'll go back to meet the Ghost King first, and come back later. You have full authority to handle everything during this period, don't mess it up for me. After this is done, I will speak nicely for you in front of the Ghost King. sentence."

   "Yes, Master Xing, don't worry, I won't disappoint you next time."

   One day later, Turtle City.

   "Sir, that person is back." In the palace of the King of Hell, Wei Hanhui reported: "Would you like to meet him?"

   "So soon?" Hades chuckled lightly, "Looks like it's a success, call him in immediately."

   After a while, Wei Han appeared in the Hall of Kings of Hell with the mysterious man. As soon as he entered the hall, Yan Wang's eyes fell on the other's right hand. Looking at the **** head, a smile appeared in his eyes, "Wei Han!"

   Wei Han immediately understood, reached out to take the head, and checked it carefully. After a few moments, he raised his head and affirmed: "Sir, that's right, it's indeed Xing Feng, and he didn't cheat." Hearing this, King Hades laughed, got up and said, "Okay, very good, you really didn't disappoint me. "

   "Can we continue our transaction now?" The mysterious man's tone was calm, without any fluctuations.

"Of course." Yan Wang smiled, "As long as you can help me kill the ghost king and dominate the Yellow Springs, I will give you a fruit of life and death." After a pause, he continued: "Since we are now in a cooperative relationship, then you are Shouldn't you tell me who you are?"

"Why do you need to know so much." The mysterious man said, "I'm here to negotiate a deal, not to make friends." When he finished speaking, he flicked his wrist, and a cold light flew into the hands of the King of Hell, "If you want to find me in the future, crush it into pieces. That thing is fine." Without waiting for Yan Wang to say more, he turned around and walked out.

   "This guy is so arrogant." Wei Han said solemnly, and he was very displeased with the mysterious man in his words.

"As long as you have the ability, what's the harm in being arrogant." Yan Wang said, "You have fought Xing Feng more than ten times, but every time it is a draw, he can kill Xing Feng so quickly, which proves that he is indeed capable. Wei Han , go check it out, I want to make sure Xing Feng is really dead."

   "Understood." Wei Han nodded and left.

   In the blink of an eye, five days have passed. During this period, Wei Han informed the Queen of Hell about the information he found from Songyan City, and the King of Hell was overjoyed and finally confirmed that Xing Feng was dead. Not only that, but there was also news from the Ghost King that they were gathering an army to avenge Xing Feng.

   On this day, King Yama was playing with the jade piece in his hand in the Hall of King Yama. At this time, Wei Han came from outside, and Hui reported: "Sir, I just received the news that Qin Fang, the city lord of Songyan City, led his troops to capture Macheng."

   "What?" The King of Hell said solemnly, "Why didn't Macheng ask for help from other cities? The people in Tianxiang City and Jiusui City are all a bunch of waste?"

"Sir, the original city owner of Jiusui City, Yan Chengfeng, is gone. Now it's a piece of scattered sand, and I can't manage it well. After Tianxiangcheng received the news of Macheng's request for help, he immediately dispatched people, but...they were halfway there. It was ambushed and almost the entire army was annihilated. With the current situation, it is estimated that it will be difficult to keep the heaven and earth."

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