"No, I came here on purpose to kill you. Tell everyone else to go out, I don't want to hurt innocents."

   "No problem." Xing Feng nodded and said, "City Lord Qin, everyone with you will retreat. No one is allowed to come in without my order."

   "This... is, Master Xing!" After the words were finished, Qin Fang hurriedly left the hall with his men.

   "Go quickly and transfer everyone to me." After leaving the hall, Qin Fang immediately ordered to send someone to surround the hall layer by layer to prevent the other party from escaping.

   After a while, there was a loud bang in the hall, and the powerful impact spread, smashing the roof, doors and windows of the hall, and even the guards outside were affected a lot. "It's actually a supreme powerhouse!" Feeling the terrifying momentum, Qin Fang's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly called everyone to retreat, lest he would be hit by the wave again.

   "Boom!" At this moment, a strong explosion resounded in everyone's ears. Immediately, under the impact of the air wave, the great hall instantly turned into a ruin, burying the two people in the hall. Qin Fang glanced around, searching for Xing Feng's whereabouts. However, as if there was too much dust on the field, the line of sight was greatly obstructed.

  As the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, a rustling sound suddenly sounded among the waste. Everyone heard the sound and quickly turned their eyes away. Suddenly, among the piles of rubble, a man suddenly stood up, covered in blood. Not only that, but there seemed to be something **** in that person's hand.

  When the man approached, everyone could see clearly that the man was actually the mysterious man from before. In his hands, he was holding Xing Feng's severed head.

   "Xing...Lord Xing..." Looking at the blood-stained head, Qin Fang's complexion suddenly turned pale, and his eyes were filled with horror.

   "You...you actually..." He looked at the mysterious man, hesitating, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock.

   "If you don't want to die, get out of your way." Under the cold words of the mysterious man, everyone was afraid and backed away, even Qin Fang. Since this mysterious man in front of him has the ability to kill Xing Feng, they are no exception. No one wants to do this kind of behavior that they know to die.

   Seeing the mysterious man leave, Qin Fang finally came to his senses, and hurriedly called his confidants, explained a few words, and hurriedly drove out of the city.

   Xing Feng was killed, and he had to report the matter to the ghost king in person. At this moment, he was very timid. Everyone knew that Xing Feng was the right-hand man of the Ghost King, and his status was second only to the Ghost King. Now that he died in Songyan City, although it was not his responsibility, he could not escape the responsibility. Now, he only hoped that the ghost king would not take all his anger out on him. Leaving Songyan City, Qin Fang drove north all the way. However, it wasn't long before he saw a man standing in front of him with his back to him.

   Qin Fang's heart tightened, he raised his guard in secret, and said solemnly, "Who are you?"

   As his voice fell, the other party slowly turned around. Seeing the man's face, Qin Fang was taken aback and said in amazement, "Xing...Lord Xing? You...you are not..."

   "What am I?" Xing Feng said lightly, "You think I'm dead?"

   "That person wasn't..."

   Xing Fengdao: "What you see is not necessarily the truth."

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