"How many troops did the Ghost King dispatch? People from the two cities?"

   "No, there are only people from Songyan City."

   "Then how could they be able to ambush the people in Tianxiang City while capturing Macheng?"

   "According to the news from the front, the people who ambushed Tianxiang City are the people from the Immortal Realm, and they should have cooperated with Qin Fang."

   "What?" Hades stood up abruptly and said with a gloomy expression, "They cooperated with people from Immortal Realm? Why didn't Qiao Yan tell me about this?"

   "She may have other plans."

   Hades snorted coldly: "She seems to have forgotten who is her master. No matter what plans she has, she should report to me first. Is she doing this now because she wants to betray me and join the ghost king?"

Wei Han said: "Sir, Qiao Lu should not have the courage to betray us. I think she will explain it clearly." As soon as he finished speaking, a guard came to report: "Sir, there is a person named Longchuan who is asking to see you. ."

   "Longchuan? Who is that? Wei Han, do you know?"

   "If I remember correctly, Long Chuan should be Qiao Ye's subordinate."

   "Really, then bring him in."

   Soon, an old man, led by the guard, lowered his head and walked in carefully. "Little man Longchuan, I've seen adults." He knelt down on the ground with his hands in pilgrimage. "Okay, get up and talk." Yan Wang said, "Did Qiao Er call you here?"

   "Yes." Long Chuan responded quickly, "Qiao Chengzhu said that the adults would definitely be suspicious of her coming in, so let the villain come to explain clearly."

   "Say, I'd like to know what she's going to do."

"Sir, according to the original plan, City Lord Qiao was asked to cooperate with the ghost king and jointly deal with the adults. However, just a few days ago, Qin Fang suddenly sent someone to find City Lord Qiao and offered to cooperate with her. City Lord Qiao thought that , this is a good opportunity, as long as you use it properly, you can gain the trust of the other party. At that time, they will be able to cooperate more deeply. Once the ghost king believes in her, it will be easier for our plan to be implemented. Joe City Lord After considering it, I decided to agree with Qin Fang's suggestion. Due to the rush of time, City Lord Qiao failed to report in time, and I hope you will forgive me."

   "My lord, if this is what he said, then this plan is indeed much better. You might as well let her continue and see how far it can be achieved."

The King of Hell nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm not an unreasonable person. Since the Ghost King actively seeks cooperation from Immortal Realm, the effect will definitely be much better than what we expected before. Longchuan, when you go back and tell Qiao Er, just say I support it. This plan of hers. However, if there are similar things in the future, I hope she can report it in time, otherwise, I will not forgive her next time, no matter right or wrong. "

   "Yes, sir, the villain will definitely convey it."

   Looking at Long Chuan who was leaving, King Yan smiled and said, "Qiao Yan is still a little smart. However, no matter how smart she is, she can't escape my palm."

   Wei Han said puzzled: "Sir, why do you say that?"

"Qiao Er is from the Immortal Realm, and at the same time I cultivated it. Except you, no one knows that she is my person, including those forces in the Immortal Realm. If it wasn't for my secret support, do you think they could develop so fast? Yes? It wasn't that I was secretly protecting them. Those guys in the fairy world were probably wiped out by the ghost king long ago.

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