"The two closest cities to Macheng are Jiusui City and Tianxiang City. Jiusui City was captured by those from the Immortal Realm some time ago, and its strength was greatly damaged. At present, there is no city owner. Therefore, after Macheng was attacked, it must be We will ask Tianxiang City for help. We can borrow Xicheng’s men and horses to set up an ambush on the only way to Tianxiang City in advance, and catch them by surprise. As long as we swallow Macheng and Tianxiang City, Jiusui City will be captured. At that time, we will be able to easily capture three cities. When Lord Xing comes out once, we will even destroy the three cities of the King of Hell. If the ghost king knows about it, he will definitely appreciate it."

   "City Lord Qin, your plan is indeed good, but there is one thing, Xicheng will not lend you troops."

   "Why?" Qin Fang asked in confusion.

"Xicheng is adjacent to Tiandu City under the jurisdiction of the King of Hell, and Tianyang City, where those people from the Immortal Realm live, is not very far from Xicheng. If Xicheng lends you all the hands, once Tianxiangcheng and the people from Immortal Realm attack , then what do they do?"

   "This... Master Xing, even so, one city is replaced by three cities, and in the end it is us who will benefit. I don't think this loss is a big problem."

   "No, I need a more prudent plan, rather than risking Xicheng."

At this moment, a subordinate of the piano room stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Master Xing, I have an idea, which can not only protect Xicheng, but also help us capture the city." Hearing this, Xing Feng made a gesture. , indicating to the other party to continue speaking.

"We can cooperate with those people in Xianjie. During this period of time, the relationship between them and the King of Hell has been like water and fire. We might as well use this to talk to them about cooperation and let them ambush Tianxiangcheng on the way. If they agree, We can give them a city as a trophy. However, from what I know of them, they should not want a city because they don't have enough manpower to manage too many cities. Judging from their recent performance, we can put three The residents of this city are handed over to them, anyway, the power of the soul is not important to us. I wonder what Master Xing thinks?"

   "Cooperation with those people in Immortal Realm?" Xing Feng thought for a while, then nodded: "This is feasible. If so, I will send you to negotiate with people in Immortal Realm."

   "Yes, my lord, you will definitely live up to your expectations."

   When the man stepped back, Qin Fang said, "Master Xing, I have something to report. Some time ago, Songyan City's..."

   Just as Qin Fang was reporting the situation of Songyan City coming in, a guard suddenly rushed in from the outside and said anxiously: "City Lord, Lord Xing, something happened... something happened, someone..."

   "Bang!" Before the guard could finish speaking, he heard a loud noise. Immediately afterwards, the guard's body suddenly burst open, turning into a cloud of blood, floating in the hall. This sudden change immediately shocked everyone present. At the same time, outside the hall, a man in black walked in slowly. Seeing the other party, Qin Fang said coldly, "Who dares to make trouble in my Songyan City!"

   The mysterious man seemed to have never heard of his question, stared at Xing Feng on the main seat, and said, "Are you Xing Feng?"

   "Yes, it's me." Xing Feng did not change his face, looked at the mysterious man quietly, and said calmly, "You came to me on purpose?"

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