In those days, the city was designed by the ghost king and took it from the king of hell. At this time, in Songyan City, the city lord and his subordinates stood respectfully at the city gate and greeted a man.

   "Qin Fang has seen Master Xing." When he came to the man, Qin Fang, the city lord of Songyan City, bowed his body and gave a big gift.

   "City Lord Qin doesn't need to be too polite." Xing Feng raised his hand and motioned for the other party to stand up, "City Lord Qin, this time I am here under the order of the Ghost King to inspect the situation here."

   "I know it next time. Don't worry, Master Xing, I will report it truthfully."

   "Very good." Xing Feng nodded, then he walked slowly into the city surrounded by the crowd.

   "City Lord Qin, before I came, I heard that those people in the Immortal Realm have not been idle, is there any matter?" In the hall, Xing Feng sat on the main seat and asked.

"That's true." Qin Fang replied, "I'm about to report it to the Ghost King. Recently, those people in Tianyang City have successively captured several cities under the jurisdiction of the King of Hell, killing countless people. For this reason, The King of Hell was furious and dispatched Yan Chengfeng, the city lord of Jiusui City, to attack Tianyang City. However, instead of being successful, the people of Tianyang City took the opportunity to capture Jiusui City. As far as I know, Yan Chengfeng, the lord of Jiusui City, has been taken to Guicheng because he disobeyed the orders of the King of Hell in his actions, and there is no news yet. In my estimation, he is afraid that he will die."

"I know Yan Chengfeng, he is a great talent. The ghost king noticed him a long time ago, but unfortunately, the king of **** took the lead and pulled him into his own camp. The king of **** has always been ruthless in his work, in his eyes, Only Wei Han is a trustworthy person. Although he attaches great importance to Yan Chengfeng, due to the character of King Yan, he should not let him go. King Yan is the best at killing one and setting an example. : "You Songyan City is only half a day away from Tianyang City. Don't those people in Immortal Realm trouble you?"

"Of course there is." Qin Fang said, "Those guys in the immortal world are just a bunch of mad dogs, whoever bites them. Not long ago, they led an attack on Songyan City, but with the full resistance of Songyan City, they finally repelled the enemy. , I have already reported this matter to the ghost king."

   "Really? Lord Ghost King didn't mention it to me."

Qin Fangdao: "According to what I know, in addition to Songyan City, several surrounding cities have also been attacked by people from the Immortal Realm, but they were unsuccessful. Those guys probably knew that we were difficult to deal with, so they turned their heads. Hades. In short, recently, their two forces are incompatible." Speaking of which, he hesitated and said, "Lord Xing, I think this may be our opportunity."

"How to say?"

   "Now that the King of Hell is busy dealing with people from the Immortal Realm, we can just take this opportunity to secretly launch an offensive and capture several cities."

   Xing Feng tapped on the handrail and asked, "Which city do you think we should choose?"

"Macheng." Qin Fang said, "I have researched that Macheng is only half a day away from our Songyan City. Since the Ghost King captured three cities from the King of Hell, Macheng has become a surrounding city within the jurisdiction of the King of Hell. The nearest city to the King of Hell is a day’s journey away, even if Macheng asks for help from other cities, it will take a day for the other party to arrive.

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