"During this time, Xing Feng was conducting inspections in the surrounding cities. I want to take his head to see me. If you can do it, then the transaction between us can continue. Otherwise, you don't have to show up in front of me. It's over." After a pause, the King of Hell continued: "Xing Feng will only stay in the surrounding cities for five days, two days have passed now, so your time is limited, if I were you, I wouldn't waste time here. "

   The mysterious man nodded and said, "In three days, I will come to see you with Xing Feng's head." After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out.

   "Sir, do you think this person is credible?" Wei Han asked aloud after watching him leave.

"What's credible, what's not credible?" Yan Wang played with taste, "I don't care about this. If he really succeeds, then I will give him a chance to cooperate. If he fails, it will be a loss for me. No. If that guy really solves Xingfeng, the ghost king will lose a right-hand man. At that time, we only need to deal with one ghost king, which is not more than enough. As for the person just now... Hmph, he actually wanted life and death, It's a shame that he dared to say such words. When the ghost king is killed, we will find a chance to clean him up."

   "What about Leng Xuan?"

"Leng Xuan..." Yan Wang thought about it and said, "Keep him first, maybe it will be useful in the future. In short, one more choice is only good for us." After he finished speaking, he said, "Go and find out. , Just now, what is the origin of that person, and he didn't even report his name."

   "Yes." Wei Han took his order and immediately exited the hall. After a while, he returned to King Yan's side and reported: "Sir, I have checked, the identity of that person is unknown, and I can't figure out the details. The only thing I can be sure of is that the other party has just entered Huangquan from the fairyland."

   "The Immortal Realm?" Hades sneered, full of disdain: "The Immortal Realm today is getting worse and worse. It's just a supreme being. I really think I am amazing."

   Wei Han asked curiously, "Have you been to Immortal Realm before?"

"I've been there a few times, and then I lost interest." Yan Wang recalled, "The last time I went to the Immortal Realm, it was ruled by the Three Kings of the Divine Realm. It is not clear now. However, even characters like the Three Kings of the Divine Realm can be The Lord of the Upper Immortal Realm is enough to explain the decline of the Immortal Realm. When I first went to the Immortal Realm, it was only the supreme cultivation level. At that time, there were many more supreme powerhouses in the Immortal Realm than Huang Quan. No way, there is not even a single breakthrough to the Supreme. Of course, the immortal world is so big, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there may be a Supreme Power, but compared with Huang Quan, there is still a certain gap. Wei Han, based on your cultivation base , if you go to the fairy world, you will at least be the master of one side. If you are interested, I will send you to the fairy world to see it when I unify Huangquan, and by the way, I will help you become the master of the fairy world. At that time, you and my master and servant, Whoever dominates the world is still our opponent.”

   "Your Excellency is kind, and Wei Han accepts it, but I'm used to staying by your side and being around you."

   Hades smiled and said: "Okay, I know your loyalty. Don't worry, you have been with me for so many years, and I will never treat you badly."

  Songyan Castle is a city under the jurisdiction of the ghost king, only a few hundred kilometers away from the jurisdiction of the king of hell.

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