"Sorry, I can't do this." After finishing his words, Leng Xuan raised his hand and heard two loud 'bang bang' sounds. Lin Zhong and Huang Zhao's bodies burst open in an instant, turning into a rain of blood. If he could, he would not take the other person's life casually. But the problem is, if the two of them are released, then their cultivation will be exposed. In order to hide their hole cards, they could only make the two of them disappear. Therefore, they can only be blamed for their bad luck, actually accepting this order.

  Tianyang City could no longer go back, so Leng Xuan had no choice but to return to Jiusui City. "Your identity has been discovered?" Yan Chengfeng asked in the main hall.

"It should be." Leng Xuan said, "but I don't know how that Qiao Er found out. I have been very careful in Tianyang City these few days and have not made any mistakes. Besides, I came to Huangquan for the first time, except for you, No one should know me."

"Could it be that person?" Yan Chengfeng thought about it and said, "Didn't you say that there is someone next to Qiao Er who just came from the fairyland? Maybe he recognized your identity and told Qiao Er. You It happened to be a different name, so the other party mistakenly thought you were a spy and ordered you to be removed."

"I've thought about this possibility before, but I don't think that's the problem." Leng Xuan said, "Just think about it, if that person knew my identity and told Qiao Lu, how could Qiao Lu only send two people? A small person to deal with me? If Qiao Lu knew my true identity, then she should know that I am a supreme powerhouse, and the only person in Tianyang City who can deal with me is that mysterious man. Therefore, this speculation is not true. "

"That's weird." Yan Chengfeng tapped on the armrest of the seat, "Since it wasn't that person who exposed your identity, who would it be? I am the only one who knows that you are in Tianyang City, no one else." Leng Xuan Dao: "Okay, don't think about it, everything has happened, no matter how much you think about it, it's useless. Let's continue with our previous plan. The three cities you mentioned a few days ago are difficult to deal with?"

"It may be a bit difficult for me, but for you, you can succeed as long as you move your hands." Yan Chengfeng smiled, "Whether it's the ghost king or the king of hell, all the city lords under them are Daluo Jinxian, with your supreme level. The cultivation base is just a little effort."

   "So, the ghost king and the king of **** are both supreme-level powerhouses?"

   "No one knows how strong their cultivations are, but as far as I know, their cultivations should not only be at the supreme level."

Hearing this, Leng Xuan asked, "Why do you say that?" Yan Chengfeng explained: "The King of Hell has a confidant, and no matter what he does, he always follows him and never leaves ten steps away. Besides, it's just that A person's cultivation reaches the supreme level, as the King of Hell, with such a powerful subordinate, how can his own cultivation be weak?" Leng Xuan's brows trembled, and the King of Hell actually had subordinates of the supreme level, so this matter would be troublesome. .

Thinking of this, he glanced at Yan Chengfeng and said, "You have only been in Huangquan for a few years, and your cultivation base has already advanced to the level of Da Luo Jinxian. Although I have only been here for a few days, the quality of the spiritual energy here is really not flattering. How did you improve your cultivation?"

   Yan Chengfeng said with a smile: "The realm of self-cultivation, the realm of immortality, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth are one of the important factors that affect one's cultivation, but in the Yellow Springs, the spiritual energy is not as important as you think.

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