Here, what we cultivate is not the spiritual energy, but the power of the soul. If you cultivate through the power of the soul, you can quickly improve your own cultivation. Leng Xuan asked curiously: "Is there a big gap?" "

"Of course it's big." Yan Chengfeng said, "To use a simple analogy, it will take at least hundreds of years for people in the fairy world to break through from Jinxian to Daluo Jinxian, even if they are immortals with good aptitude and luck... I'm just saying that most people, like you, who are incalculable, are not included. However, in Huangquan, as long as you have sufficient soul power, you can complete a breakthrough in just a few years. If you have good qualifications The speed will be even faster. However, as I said, this is on the premise of having sufficient soul power. Back then, I came to Huangquan at the call of the King of Hell to serve him. Once, I made a great contribution, I was authorized by the King of Hell to enter a mysterious space to practice for a year. There is a very strong soul power in that space. I only practiced for one year, and my cultivation has greatly improved. When I came out of that space, I was The King of Hell arranged to be the lord of Jiusui City."

Leng Xuan was surprised: "So fast?" Yan Chengfeng nodded and said: "You should know that the power of the soul is a more magical power than the aura. Everyone has the power of the soul, but the degree is different. I heard the King of Hell say that in the immortal world, the number of soul powers is very rare, far less than that of Huangquan. It is for this reason that people in Huangquan generally have a high level of cultivation, and there are many strong people at the level of Daluo Jinxian. I don’t know how much more than Immortal Realm. In terms of overall strength, Immortal Realm is probably far from Huang Quan’s opponent. Moreover, King Yama told me more than once that he doesn’t like places like Immortal Realm.”

Leng Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "Listening to what you said, I think I have little hope. Since the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts are both so powerful, how can I get the fruit of life and death from them?" Yan Chengfeng said: " Don't give up so easily. Find a way to get close to Hades first. In the past few days, I will send someone to inquire about the situation of those three cities. If all goes well, we will try to capture those three cities as soon as possible. At that time, I will I want to give credit to the King of Hell and recommend you by the way."

   "Okay, let me know if you have any news."

   In the blink of an eye, after five days in Jiusui City, Leng Xuan became impatient. It was just spying on the information, and it took so long.

  The eager Leng Xuan simply ran to the main hall, ready to ask Yan Chengfeng's situation. However, when he came to the main hall, he found that several generals and elders of Jiusui City came out of the hall one after another, and their expressions were a bit ugly. With doubts, he walked into the hall, looked at Yan Chengfeng who was handling official business, and asked, "Why is there no news yet?"

"I also want to act as soon as possible, but I can't do it recently." Yan Chengfeng put down what he was busy with, got up and said, "I received information that the ghost king will send people to inspect the major cities in the past few days. The person he sent is called Xing Feng is a supreme powerhouse, and he is accompanied by four Great Luo Jinxian. Even if you make a move, you may not be able to beat the opponent with this lineup."

  Leng Xuan was a little helpless. Since there is a supreme powerhouse, it is indeed inconvenient to move. It seems that he can only continue to wait for the opportunity.

   "By the way, when I saw those people go out just now, I wasn't in a good mood. Did something happen?"

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