But now, suddenly a supreme powerhouse pops up, and things are not so easy. At this moment, Chuan Lao came to the room where he lived and said, "Friend Lin Xian, City Lord Qiao, please come over."

   "Okay, I'll go right there."

   Came to the main hall, Leng Xuan found that besides him, there were two other people in the hall. "City Lord Qiao." Leng Xuan bowed his hands and asked, "I don't know what is going on with City Lord Qiao's summoning?" Qiao Ye smiled slightly and said, "Friend Lin, I asked you to come here because I want to ask you for a favor. Let me introduce you first, these two immortal friends are Lin Zhong and Huang Zhao."

   "Lin Xianyou, you are polite." The two nodded to Leng Xuan respectively.

"Xianyou Lin, we have received information that the ghost king wants to be detrimental to us, so I hope the three of you can go check it out. If it is true, then we must make preparations as soon as possible. I wonder if Xianyou Lin can help me. ?"

   "City Lord Qiao said, he will do his best next time."

   "Okay, Lin Xianyou really didn't disappoint me."

   Exiting from the main hall, Leng Xuan followed Lin Zhonghuang Zhao, went straight out of Tianyang City, and galloped towards the south. Halfway through the trip, Leng Xuan asked, "Friend Huang Xian, where are we going?" He only knew that the mission of this trip was to spy on intelligence, but he didn't know the details.

   "It's coming, it's coming soon." Huang Zhao said.

  Leng Xuan nodded and thought to himself. Qiao Lu not only called back the person who was sent to monitor him, but also delegated tasks to himself. It seems that the other party has ruled out his suspicions. For him, this is not a small progress. Just as he was thinking about it, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Leng Xuan's heart. Years of experience have given him the ability to respond quickly. At the speed of the forward charge, he lightly tapped his toes, and his body immediately flew upwards.

   The moment he left his original position, two cold beams flew from behind and landed on his previous position. Turning his head to look, it was Lin Zhong and Huang Zhao who shot. "You two, why are you doing this?" Leng Xuan frowned and said solemnly.

   "Don't blame us, our brothers are just following orders." Lin Zhong said indifferently and attacked him again.

   Seeing the two quickly approaching, Leng Xuan sighed secretly, stretched out his hand and waved lightly in the air. In an instant, Lin Zhong and Huang Zhao's bodies stagnated, as if they were shackled in mid-air, motionless. This sudden change shocked the two of them. They looked at Leng Xuan opposite in disbelief, and seemed a little unbelievable to the powerful cultivation base he showed. "Is it Qiao Lu's order?" Leng Xuan asked, "Why did you want to kill me?"

   "I said, we don't know, we just follow orders. City Lord Qiao asked us to solve you on the way, and then take your body back."

   "Could it be that his identity was exposed?" Leng Xuan thought to himself. However, in the past few days in Tianyang City, he did not reveal any flaws. How did the other party find out? Moreover, he passed Qiao Er's several tests. For a while, he was full of doubts.

   "It seems that Tianyang City can't go back." Since Qiao Yan ordered him to be eliminated, if he wants to go back to Tianyang City, there will be no good results. Fortunately, Qiao Ye didn't know his true cultivation, otherwise, he would not have sent such two men to deal with him.

   "Lin Xianyou, we are just following orders, and we hope to let us live." Huang Zhaodao, pleading in his tone.

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