In the formation, when the body of the Great Emperor Tongtian was engulfed by the dazzling light, a scream of misery was heard immediately.

The light in the    formation lasted for about half an hour before dissipating little by little. As the light faded, the Demon Emperor and Qin Ming immediately turned their attention to the Great Emperor Tongtian in the formation. Soon, they saw that in the nine-day star formation, the Great Emperor Tongtian was lying there quietly, motionless, there was no sign of life at all, and he thought he was already dead.

   "Dead?" Qin Ming asked uncertainly. His face was gloomy and uncertain. After all, he was the Great Emperor Tongtian, but he didn't mean to die. "Not yet." The demon emperor spoke slowly, stopping Qin Ming who wanted to come forward. Just as the Demon Emperor had expected, the Great Emperor Tongtian at this moment was seriously injured, but he did not die. After a while, I saw the Great Emperor Tongtian struggling to stand up, staring at the Demon Emperor and Qin Ming outside the formation, and gritted his teeth: "Hun Yuan, even if I die, it will not make you feel better." Said Suddenly, a strong blood light surged out of his body, almost suppressing the light in the formation. Seeing this sudden change, the Demon Emperor's expression sank, and he quickly stepped back.

  Under the urging of the Great Emperor Tongtian, the splendid blood light became stronger and stronger, and in the formation formed by the nine-day star formation, the blood light actually began to seep out.

   "What does he want to do?" Looking at Emperor Tongtian's actions, Qin Ming was a little nervous and asked. "I don't want to be quiet even when death is imminent." The demon emperor narrowed his eyes and said coldly. At this moment, in that deep underground palace, Leng Xuan, who was sitting in the corner, raised his head, frowned at the top, and said, "Did you feel it?"

When everyone heard the words, they nodded, "What a strong fluctuation, is it the Great Emperor Hunyuan?" King Qingye said: "No, it is the Great Emperor Tongtian..." After a pause, she added: "He can't live. "When they heard this, everyone couldn't help but be startled and asked: "What do you mean?"

"With such a strong fluctuation, there is only one possibility. The Great Emperor Tongtian has unleashed all of his unreserved power. All these powers include not only the power of life, but also the power of soul. Once this power is used up, then He will disappear forever and cannot be reincarnated. It seems that Emperor Hunyuan has already shot against him. As long as Emperor Tongtian is dead, there will be no one in this immortal world who is an opponent of Hunyuan Land."

   After listening to King Qingye's explanation, Leng Xuan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley. He didn't expect that Emperor Tongtian would be forced to do so. In fact, when the demon emperor asked him for the cultivation method of the nine-day star formation, he expected this day to come. But what he didn't expect was that this day would come so quickly.

   As they were thinking, they suddenly felt a violent shaking from the palace, as if it might explode at any time. "What's going on?" Feng Lie said solemnly. Just as everyone was puzzled, a ray of blood descended from the sky above Yin Yuan Hall, penetrated the ground directly, and landed on the palace where Leng Xuan and the others were. Seeing this, the demon emperor's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurried over to stop it. However, as soon as he arrived in front of the **** light, he felt a sharp pain in his body, and he almost couldn't control his body. "Bah!" He opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood, and murmured at the **** light, "You are finally dead."

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