Back then, the blood demon lived in his body and became one with his body. Because of this, the soul between him and the blood demon had a close connection. If the Great Emperor Tongtian dies, he will also be severely injured, and vice versa. Therefore, during this period of time, although they were in an adversarial relationship, they never fought. Because they know very well that before the three kings of the gods are solved, the two of them are not suitable to do it.

   Right now, he felt the pain in his body, proving that Emperor Tongtian was indeed dead. However, he did not breathe a sigh of relief. On the contrary, his face was ugly. The **** light that Emperor Tongtian used his life to transform directly bombarded the palace that was buried deep in the ground. Under such a strong force, the power of the formation he laid on the surface of the palace is being rapidly weakened. Moreover, he is now injured and has no power to stop it.

   Looking at the intense blood light, the Demon Emperor gritted his teeth and immediately retreated with Qin Mingfei.

   When the demon emperor took Qin Ming away, a loud noise suddenly came from the depths of the Yin Yuan Palace. Immediately afterwards, a powerful air wave surged out from the ground, smashing the ground into a huge crater of tens of thousands of square meters. And at the bottom of that huge pit, there is a pile of gravel. As the air wave dissipated, only a few soft clicks were heard, and a hand stretched out from the pile of rubble. As the owner of the hand drilled out of the gravel, it was only Feng Lie who could clearly see his appearance.

  Fenglie struggled to stand up, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then cleaned up all the surrounding gravel. Soon, he found Chiwu, Crazy Tiger Beast and Chongming. As for Leng Xuan, he was protected by the barrier summoned by King Aoba and did not suffer any harm. After dispersing the barrier, Leng Xuan looked at the giant pit that appeared above his head, and his heart was full of horror, "It's terrifying." The attack just now was so powerful that his heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

  The Great Emperor Tongtian consumed his life and soul, and the final blow condensed was far beyond what he could imagine. If it was his last blow against the Great Emperor Tongtian, at this moment, he would probably have no bones left. Taking a breath, Leng Xuan secretly rejoiced, fortunately, it was the closed palace that was the main force just now, not directly on them. Otherwise, they all survive. While rejoicing, he couldn't help but sigh. The Great Emperor Tongtian, after so many years of design, still could not escape the ending of death.

   I am afraid that even the Great Emperor Tongtian didn't think that he would end like this.

   In any case, the death of the Great Emperor Tongtian would be beneficial to them without any harm. "Leng Xuan, Leng Xuan!" At this moment, a hurried voice came from above. Immediately afterwards, two people flew down from the top of the giant pit and landed in front of them. "It's you?" Seeing the person coming, King Aoba's expression turned cold, and he was about to take action. Seeing this, Leng Xuan hurriedly stretched out his hand to block her and said, "Don't do it, they are their own people." Hearing this, King Qingye raised his brows and said in surprise, "My own people?"

  Leng Xuan turned his head and said, "Uncle Zhang, Senior Ruan, are you all right?" The two people who came here were Uncle Zhang and Ruan Lang.

   "We're fine." Uncle Zhang replied. "It turns out that the two of them are yours, no wonder you know so much about the Great Emperor Tongtian." Qingye Wang said.

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