After a while, the demon emperor said sarcastically: "Moreover, I have already promised him that as long as you die, in the future, he will be in the position of one person below ten thousand people. As for everything today, we have already It's planned. So, Babel, you'd better throw in the towel, you've got no chance of winning."

"Okay, good, very good." The Great Emperor Tongtian looked gloomy and looked at Qin Ming and the Demon Emperor with cold eyes, "I didn't expect that I would still fall into your hands. However, it is not so easy for you to kill me. Today, let me see the power of your nine-day star formation." As he finished speaking, he showed his body and wanted to break out of the formation. However, the demon emperor's reaction was faster than his, and before he could rush out of the formation, the nine-day star formation had already started.

   For a time, splendid rays of light rose into the sky from the four formations, condensed together, and formed a huge enchantment, and the Great Emperor Tongtian was shrouded in it.

   Then, I saw that in the formation, the light began to become dark, as if night fell, and at the top of the formation, countless light spots appeared, like stars, densely distributed around. Suddenly, those stars slowly turned, and after a while, they formed a special shape.

   At the same time, in the formation, gusty winds and sandstorms struck, and the surging sandstorm directly engulfed the body of the Great Emperor Tongtian. "Break it for me!" The Great Emperor Tongtian who was in the sandstorm shouted, his whole body was full of blood, and he wanted to wash away the surrounding mad sand. However, that **** light only lasted for a few seconds before being suppressed by Kuangsha again. Not only that, those mad sands are sticking to the body of the Great Emperor Tongtian little by little. When the surface of Tongtian Emperor's body was completely surrounded by wild sand, the sand particles immediately condensed together, like frozen water, solidified, and the Tongtian Emperor who was in it was motionless, as if he had lost his mobility. "Open!" The demon emperor opened his mouth and spit out a word. Suddenly, only hearing a loud 'bang', the sand grains around Great Emperor Tongtian immediately burst open.

   Accompanied by that powerful air wave, Tongtian Great Emperor's body was immediately knocked out, and he fell heavily, spitting blood in his mouth.

   "Tongtian, it's over, you can't beat me." The Demon Emperor said, "Give it up, at least I can give you a good one."

   "Want me to surrender?" The Great Emperor Tongtian wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "Hun Yuan, don't forget, you won't be better off if you kill me."

"Do you mean the soul of the blood demon?" The demon emperor continued, "Yes, if you die, it will indeed cause harm to me, but as long as you die, who will be my opponent in the immortal world in the future? So, this price doesn't matter to me. Since you refuse to surrender, I will give you a ride." As he spoke, he made a seal on both hands and quickly changed his handprint. Following his movements, the Nine-Day Star Array changed again. The star hanging on the top of the formation turned again. After a while, those stars took another shape. "Condensing the light of the stars, borrow the power of nine days, kill!"

   After a while, the stars in the formation burst into a splendid and dazzling light, making people unable to look directly. The Demon Emperor and Qin Ming avoided their eyes one after another, daring not to look at the light.

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