"Tongtian, don't you know who I am? Since I promised you, I will definitely do it." The demon emperor said lightly, "Don't worry, as long as there is news, I will notify you immediately." Wen Yan , The Great Emperor Tongtian snorted lightly, said no more, and turned around and left the hall. However, he had just left the hall and had not walked far when he heard a voice from his ear: "Great Emperor, you are polite." Hearing the sound, the Great Emperor Tongtian turned his head and looked at the person walking across, frowning: " It's you?"

   "Great Emperor, I want to tell you something, can you move into the house?" It was Qin Ming who spoke. The Great Emperor Tongtian hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Let's go." After a while, the two came to the house where Qin Ming lived. After being seated, the Great Emperor Tongtian said, "What do you want to tell me?"

   "The emperor went to see the emperor Hunyuan just now, but for Leng Xuan and King Qingye?" Qin Ming asked. Emperor Tongtian nodded. Qin Ming continued: "Emperor Hunyuan told you that they haven't been found yet?" Emperor Tongtian nodded again, seeing this, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile, and said: "Emperor, if I tell you, Emperor Hunyuan is deceiving you. Hearing this, Emperor Tongtian frowned and said, "What do you mean by that?" Qin Ming said: "Actually, Emperor Hunyuan had already caught Leng Xuan and King Qingye not long ago, but he didn't tell us. That's it." The Great Emperor Tongtian stood up abruptly and said solemnly, "Is there such a thing? How did you know."

"Some time ago, the Great Emperor, you happened to be outside, and I have been staying in Yin Yuan Hall. In those days, Emperor Hun Yuan ordered people to rebuild the hall. I originally wanted to check the situation, but I was stopped outside, saying that there was no Hun Yuan. According to the order of the emperor, no one is allowed to enter the hall. From that moment on, I kept an eye on Emperor Hunyuan's actions and kept a close eye on his actions. Later, one day, Yin Yuandian was on full alert, and I happened to find that the cold Xuan and King Qingye appeared. After they entered the hall, they never showed up again. I guess that Emperor Hunyuan must have used some means to capture them."

   "Since the person caught it, why didn't he tell me just now, could it be that he..." Speaking of which, the face of the Great Emperor Tongtian immediately turned gloomy.

"I believe the emperor has already thought of it." Qin Ming said, "The emperor Hunyuan did this obviously because he wanted to get something from Leng Xuan and King Qingye. Didn't you say that Leng Xuan knew the cultivation method of the Nine Heavens Star Array? If He learned the nine-day star formation and used it on you, the Great Emperor, and the result is only afraid..."

   "Humph!" The Great Emperor Tongtian slapped the table and said angrily, "How dare you play with me like that, you bastard." As soon as the words came out, he suddenly sat down, and his originally furious face became calm. He looked at Qin Ming and said, "You tell me this, I think you already have a plan."

Qin Ming smiled and said: "I can't say any plan, I just think that we have also put in a lot of efforts, and we can't let the great emperor Hunyuan get all the benefits alone." Emperor Tongtian waved his hand, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, you Tell me about your plans. I wouldn't mind working with you once, if that's right."

   At the same time, in the main hall of Yin Yuan Hall, Yan Ping, who transformed into a middle-aged man, appeared beside the Demon Emperor, "The Great Emperor."

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