Yan saluted, then leaned into the Demon Emperor's ear and whispered a few words. After listening, a cold and stern smile appeared on the Demon Emperor's face, "Really? Okay, I see."

   In the blink of an eye, three days have passed. For the past few days, Leng Xuan stayed in that closed palace, without saying a word, with Su Yurou's safety in mind. The Demon Emperor had said that it would prove that Su Yurou was in his hands. However, three days have passed, and there is still no movement from the Demon Emperor. In this regard, Leng Xuan's tense mood was relieved. He knew what the Demon Emperor was like. If Su Yurou was really in his hands, he would have proven to him long ago, so why delay it for so long. From this, it could be seen that the Demon Emperor probably didn't find Su Yurou, and just wanted to use this to deceive him, asking him the cultivation method of the Nine Heavens Star Array.

"Leng Xuan, you are very smart." Just as Leng Xuan was thinking to himself, the voice of the Demon Emperor resounded in his ears again, "You are right, Su Yurou is indeed not in my hands." Hearing these words, Leng Xuan A long sigh of relief. However, the demon emperor said another sentence next, and it was this sentence that made his complexion change greatly.

   "You can't do that." He gritted his teeth. "Why not? You should know that I am a person who will do anything to achieve my goals. As long as I can get what I want, I don't mind using any means." The Demon Emperor said, "My patience is limited, I will give you one day. Time, this time tomorrow, I hope you can make a decision." As the voice of the demon emperor disappeared in his ears, Leng Xuan lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Hun Yuan." In Yin Yuan Hall, the Great Emperor Tongtian sat on the seat, looked at the demon emperor on the main seat, and said, "It's been so many days, aren't you ready to tell me the truth?" The demon emperor asked back. Said: "What is the truth?" The Great Emperor Tongtian snorted coldly, "You already caught Leng Xuan and King Qingye, why didn't you tell me?"

   "Is there such a thing? How come I don't know." The demon emperor stood up and paced in the hall, walking back and forth, "Who told you?"

   "You don't need to know this, I have my own sources of information. You just need to tell me if they are in your hands." Emperor Tongtian demanded.

Facing each other's gaze, the demon emperor suddenly smiled and said: "You are right, they are indeed in my hands. However, you have to make it clear that they were caught by me and have nothing to do with you, so I don't need to. Let me tell you about this." The Great Emperor Tongtian said with a gloomy face: "So, our cooperation has ended here?"

"Of course. Leng Xuan and King Qingye are no longer a threat to me. Now, there are only you and me in this immortal world. Originally, I was not going to showdown with you so quickly, but since you already know, let's Might as well make it clear." The demon emperor said slowly, "Tongtian, in this fairyland from now on, as long as you serve me as the master, then you can be one person below ten thousand people. If not, this fairyland is mine. Human paradise."

"You want me to work for you?" Hearing this, Emperor Tongtian was in a trance and had never heard such a joke again, so he couldn't help sneering, "Hun Yuan, don't think about it, if you didn't have me back then, how would you be where you are today? Status. You want me to serve you, dream!" The demon emperor said neither happy nor angry: "If this is the case, then there is nothing to say between us."

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