"Friend?" Leng Xuan's heart sank, and he asked, "What do you mean?" The Demon Emperor smiled and said, "Why, have you forgotten your friend named Su Yurou?"

   "She is in your hands?" Leng Xuan's expression changed greatly. "Of course, if I didn't find her, how could I negotiate with you." The Demon Emperor said, "Tell me the cultivation methods of Yuantian Great Array and Covering Heaven Great Array, and I will let your friend go. How about it? "Leng Xuan frowned secretly. Last time, Guigu told him that in addition to the people from Tianhuo Palace, there are another group of people looking for Su Yurou. Could it be that those people were sent by the demon emperor? The other party knew all of his actions in the mundane world, so he was not surprised how the Demon Emperor knew about Su Yurou. But at the same time, he also had doubts in his heart, wondering if the demon emperor was deceiving himself.

   The other party knew that he was looking for Su Yurou, so he took advantage of this and wanted to dig out the cultivation method of the Nine Heavens Star Array from his mouth. Thinking of this, he asked, "How do I know she is in your hands? If you want me to believe in you, at least let me see her." As soon as he finished speaking, the demon emperor immediately replied: "I can't see you. Yes, the palace you are in has been completely closed, and people outside can't get in, and people inside can't get out. In short, this matter depends on whether you believe me or not."

"Trust you?" Leng Xuan said as if he had heard some kind of joke: "Do you think you are worthy of my trust? We are not secretive. If you want me to trust you, at least let me see someone. Otherwise, There is no need to continue this transaction." Hearing this, the Demon Emperor said, "Okay, I will prove to you that she is in my hands."

   As the voice of the demon emperor disappeared, Leng Xuan frowned and thought to himself. The Demon Emperor wanted the cultivation method of the Nine Heavens Star Array, and the purpose was to use it to deal with the Great Emperor Tongtian. Now he and King Aoba are trapped here, unable to get out. Therefore, in the Immortal Realm, the only person who can attract the attention of the Demon Emperor is the Great Emperor Tongtian. At this moment, Feng Lie and the others who were surrounding King Aoba had dispersed. "Has King Green Leaf found a solution?" Leng Xuan asked casually.

   "There is a way." Feng Lie nodded, "But we have to try it. King Aoba said that as long as we cooperate well, she is 80% sure."

   "I hope to succeed." Leng Xuan said. As long as it doesn't involve a detailed plan, Fenglie told him that it's not a big problem. However, compared to whether they could escape, Leng Xuan was more worried about Su Yurou's safety now. If Su Yurou really fell into the hands of the Demon Emperor, then things would be troublesome.

  In the Yin Yuan Hall, the Demon Emperor sat alone on the seat with a leisurely demeanor. At this time, I saw a person walking in outside the hall, it was the Great Emperor Tongtian. "Hun Yuan, have you found King Qingye?" Emperor Tongtian asked directly as soon as he came in. "Not yet." The demon emperor replied. "You let Leng Xuan privately, I didn't say anything, but you promised me that the whereabouts of King Aoba will be found in a short time. It's been so long now, haven't you harvested yet? You want to delay until when to go."

  The Great Emperor Tongtian's tone was very unpleasant. When Leng Xuan was arrested that day, he was planning to take Leng Xuan's body back, but the Demon Emperor secretly released Leng Xuan, which made him lose his chance again. If the demon emperor hadn't promised him that he could find King Aoba, he almost got angry at the time.

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