The two Chiwu responded and followed Leng Xuan. Leaving the Tiankeng, Leng Xuan unfolded his figure, shattered the space directly, and rushed to the Immortal Realm.

   He wasn't sure where Su Yurou was in the fairy world, so the only way was to go to the Four Sacred Mountains and wait for Su Yurou to appear.

   Since the last time the large army left from Sisheng Mountain, the demon emperor has sent many people to guard at Sisheng Mountain to prevent them from coming back. In order not to attract attention, Leng Xuan did not enter the Four Sacred Mountains, but found a place nearby to monitor the movements of the Four Sacred Mountains. In the blink of an eye, three days had passed, Leng Xuan did not close his eyes for a moment, and kept staring at the Four Sacred Mountains, lest he would miss Su Yurou's appearance. However, for the past three days, Su Yurou has not shown up.

   "Three days..." Leng Xuan frowned secretly, maybe Su Yurou was still on the way and didn't reach the Four Sacred Mountains. However, after six days passed, Su Yurou still did not appear, which made Leng Xuan even more worried. Su Yurou didn't show up, indicating that she was probably in danger, which was the last thing Leng Xuan wanted to see.

"Leng Xuan, don't worry, maybe she just spends a lot of time on the road." Mad Tiger Beast said, "Her strength is not as good as ours. Where we can get to in half a day, she may take ten days." Leng Xuan nodded, that's all he thought at the moment.

   However, as half a month passed, Leng Xuan could no longer sit still. After so long, Su Yurou hadn't appeared in the Four Sacred Mountains, something must have happened. However, what gave him a headache was that the immortal world was so big, he didn't know where to look, and he had no clue.

   "Yurou, don't let anything happen to you." Leng Xuan said secretly. If Su Yurou had three strengths and two weaknesses, he would probably go crazy. "Senior Mad Tiger, please go to Tianhuo Palace, tell them about Su Yurou, and ask Senior Guigu to help you find it." After thinking for a while, Leng Xuan decided to turn passive into active. Those people in Borderlands can't use it, so they can only let the people from Tianhuo Palace take action. When the mad tiger beast left, Leng Xuan said, "Senior Chiwu, come with me."

   After the words fell, he showed his body and galloped straight towards the Four Sacred Mountains. As the two entered the mountain, very soon, a burst of screams came from the Four Holy Mountains. When the two left, the Yin Yuandian disciples stationed in the Sisheng Mountain had all died. Leng Xuan was not sure when Su Yurou would arrive at the Four Sacred Mountains. In order to ensure her safety, he could only clean up those guys from the Four Sacred Mountains first. It has been more than a month since I returned from the world to the fairy world.

   Even though he greeted Tianhuo Palace, Leng Xuan still didn't find any clues about Su Yurou. Su Yurou's strength could not be called a powerhouse in the realm of self-cultivation, let alone in the realm of immortality. Any immortal can easily kill her. And this is also the reason why Leng Xuan is worried.

"Leng Xuan, it's not a solution for us to keep looking for it. I know you're in a hurry, but this kind of thing can't be rushed. It's not like you don't know how big the Immortal Realm is, let alone a Heavenly Fire Palace, even if it's ten. Heavenly Fire Palace, it may not be able to find clues." Chi Wu said.

  Leng Xuan knew that what he said was reasonable, but he couldn't let go of Su Yurou's heart. At Leng Xuan's insistence, they stayed in the Immortal Realm for several months, but they still found nothing. In the end, under the persuasion of Chiwu and Crazy Tiger Beast, Leng Xuan chose to return to the mundane world first and hand over Su Yurou's affairs to Guigu to handle it.

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