Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8542: God in a single thought 1

   Back at the Jingcheng Manor, everyone saw Leng Xuan's face and knew that he had returned empty-handed. With Chiwu's reminder, everyone did not mention Su Yurou in front of him, but shifted the topic to King Qingye. "Have you found King Qingye?" Leng Xuan asked.

"Not yet." Feng Lie said, "But we already have some clues. A few days ago, news came from Longtou that a strange thing happened in a small town, and more than ten thugs died suddenly. , the body was not found in the alley until the next morning. Those gangsters did not have any scars on their bodies, and the cause of death could not be found out. In addition, there was a surveillance head just outside the alley where the murder was committed. From the surveillance footage , Although the front of the other party was not photographed, but judging from the back of the person, it is very likely that it is King Aoba, and Lu Qi has confirmed this."

  Leng Xuan nodded, Lu Qi has been with King Aoba for so many years, and knows the figure of King Aoba the most. Even if she said that, it is probably accurate. In order to find King Aoba and return to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible, Leng Xuan took everyone to the town where King Aoba was found that day. This time, the leader also participated. At seven o'clock at night, Leng Xuan and the others came to the scene of the incident. As soon as they arrived at the place, everyone immediately felt that there was still a powerful force left in this small alley. "Those bodies were found here." Longtou said.

  Leng Xuan glanced around and saw that both sides of the alley were destroyed, and two large holes appeared, apparently formed by the impact of force.

   "Leader, you ask the police station here to check it out. If there are outsiders here, they should have a record there."

   "You don't need to explain this, I have already arranged for someone to do it." As soon as Long Tou's voice fell, his cell phone rang. He answered the phone, talked to the other party for a few words, and said, "It's done, we've found someone. The woman we're looking for is named Xu Hong, a person with amnesia who appeared in this small town half a year ago. , and set up a family here." At the end, Leng Xuan was shocked and said, "What? Married? You mean...she is married?"

"That's right." Long Tou said, "The people I sent out checked it out. When Xu Hong first came to this town, she didn't know anyone and lived a very hard life. Later, a kind person in the town took her in. Not long after, the two had a wedding ceremony and signed a marriage certificate."

   "King Aoba is actually married." Leng Xuan was still surprised by the news. "You're wrong, it's Xu Hong who got married, not King Aoba. King Aoba has only been in love with Jiang Liu in his life." Lu Qi corrected. Leng Xuan smiled bitterly and did not continue on this topic, "Longtou, do you know where she lives?"

   "I know, come with me." Everyone got into the car, and it didn't take long before they came to the door of a family. After getting out of the car, Leng Xuan looked around. It was a small two-story building with a yard. Judging from the traces of bricks and tiles, it should have been more than ten years old. In the spacious yard, there are a lot of sundries and a mobile booth with the words "Spring Fragrance Cake" written on it. It can be seen that this family is a small business. Everyone stood at the door and was about to go in, when they saw a woman walking out of the building, and that woman was the King Qingye that Leng Xuan and the others had been looking for.

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