After listening to what it said, Chi Wu asked, "Why didn't they kill you directly, why did they spend so much time." Sha Mo sneered: "Perhaps... this is what they think is kindness. Although I committed a crime Heinous crime, but in their opinion, this is not my main responsibility, so they chose to keep me alive. If I had the choice, I would rather they kill me. In this way, I don't have to endure so many years of pain. "

"There is a contradiction in what you said." Leng Xuan said, "Since you would rather choose to die, you have every chance to die for so many years, but you didn't do it, and instead let those cultivators form the Immortal Protector Clan to guard your safety. Sha Mo said: "You're right, when I was first detained here, I really wanted to die, but then I suddenly figured it out. My life is my own, and it was the Four Holy Beasts that destroyed it. My whole life, why should I die? Even if I die, I will make them pay the price." Speaking of which, his eyes were full of hatred.

However, the hatred in its eyes quickly dissipated, "Since the Four Sacred Beasts have been dead for so many years, no matter how much hatred I have, there is nowhere to repay. Several people, I have worked hard for so many years, please. Give me a treat, I don't want to continue like this." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said, "Tell me about Su Yurou, how can I find her." Sha Mo said, "That little girl...she When I first came here, I found that she was very special, so I asked the Xianhu family to bring her here." Leng Xuan asked, "What do you mean by special?"

"Especially refers to her physique. That little girl has a pure heart and is a rare body of immortal yin. People with this physique, as long as they practice the correct kung fu, will progress several times faster than others." Wen Yan, Leng Xuan asked curiously, "The body of immortal yin? What kind of constitution is that?"

"The body of immortal yin is a very rare physique. Those who have the body of immortal yin are the most suitable people to cultivate. Among the three kings of the gods, King Qingye was the body of immortal yin." Hearing Sha Only then did Leng Xuan understand Mo's explanation. "That girl wanted to go to the Immortal World, and I just wanted to inquire about the situation of the Four Holy Mountains, so I fulfilled her request. In order to send her to the Immortal World, I have used all my abilities. Within a thousand years, I will not be able to. use any means."

   "You asked her to inquire about the situation of the Sisheng Mountain?" Leng Xuan's heart sank. The Sisheng Mountain has now been occupied by Yin Yuandian's people. If Su Yurou went there, it would be a sheep. "No, I have to go back to Immortal Realm immediately." After speaking, he prepared to leave. "Leng Xuan, don't go now, don't be in a hurry." Feng Lie said. When the words fell, he turned to look at Sha Mo and asked, "You asked her to inquire about the situation, so how did she inform you?"

   "I gave her something to let her contact me once, but that's one-sided, she can only contact me proactively." Sha Mo replied.

   "You really don't know where you sent her to the Immortal World?" Leng Xuan asked. "Where she went is random, so I have no way of knowing." Hearing this, Leng Xuan ignored Fenglie's obstruction and rushed out. Seeing this, Feng Lie sighed helplessly and said, "Crazy Tiger, Chiwu, you two will follow Leng Xuan back to the Immortal Realm."

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