"So, they succeeded?" Fenglie asked with a busy face. "Do you think so?" Sha Mo smiled, but the smile was full of bitterness. "Since you have the bloodline of the Four Holy Beasts in your body, why do I feel a stronger aura, and they are not as good as me?" Zhongming asked.

"Although I have the bloodline of the four holy beasts in my body, among the four holy beasts, the Qinglong is at the top and the Xuanwu is at the bottom. The Qinglong bloodline is much stronger than the Xuanwu bloodline. Therefore, in order to maintain balance, I have fewer Qinglong bloodlines in my body. But Xuanwu has the most blood." After listening to Sha Mo's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

"Who imprisoned you here?" Crazy Tiger said, "You mentioned Senior Longzaki just now, obviously you didn't know they were dead, so it can be seen that you were imprisoned here before the Four Sacred Mountains were destroyed. I'm here." Sha Mo said, "If I said it was Ryuzaki and the others who held me here, would you believe it?"

"Reason." Feng Lie said, "You said it was done by senior Longzaki and the others. There must be a reason. You are created by them. They will never do this for no reason." Sha Mo replied: " You're right, I was imprisoned here because of them. They created a powerful being, so they used me as an experiment and forcibly combined the blood of the four holy beasts with my own blood. You can't Imagine what kind of pain I experienced at the beginning. The bloodline of the four holy beasts is very strong, but my own bloodline is very weak. This combination is difficult to succeed. The four holy beasts tried on me dozens of times before they succeeded. However, what they didn't expect was that although our bloodlines were successfully combined, I couldn't control my own power."

"That powerful force keeps multiplying and improving in my body, so much so that my body can no longer hold it. If I don't vent that force, I will die from it sooner or later. Moreover, under that force, My nature has been lost, and every move is driven by my own instincts. At that time, in the Four Sacred Mountains, I could not control myself for a while, and killed a large number of immortal beasts. When the Four Sacred Beasts arrived, the Four Sacred Mountains almost I was blood-washed. Therefore, the four holy beasts worked together to capture me and imprisoned me in this place." Speaking of this, it suddenly laughed, "In order to cover up what they did, they told the immortals of the Four Holy Mountains. Beast, slander me as a vicious beast, and all the crimes are borne by me alone."

   Hearing this, even Leng Xuan, who was angry, couldn't help feeling sympathy for Shamo's experience. No wonder when they appeared just now, Shamo asked if they were here to kill him. "You seem to be able to control yourself now," Feng Lie said. "I can control it because my strength has been lost and I can't recover." Saying that, Sha Mo stood up with difficulty and showed his abdomen to everyone's eyes.

   Suddenly, I saw a long wound on its abdomen, and there was something attached to the wound, which seemed to be connected to the inside of its body. "This is made by the Four Holy Beasts. They put a fairy weapon in my body, and that fairy weapon will draw my power from time to time, making me lose my resistance. Over the years, if they hadn't used heaven and earth spirit treasures Support me, I am afraid that my life will be long gone."

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