Many people are good at doing things. Anyway, Feng Lie, they stay at home and have nothing to do. At nine o'clock in the evening, Leng Xuan was about to go back to his room when he heard the doorbell rang downstairs. When he came to the door, he opened the door and saw two women standing outside the door. It was Xiao Yun and Zhou Li who had not seen each other for a long time. "Why are you here?" Leng Xuan smiled and immediately welcomed the two of them in. inside the house.

"Sit down." Leng Xuan asked casually, "How do you know I'm back?" Although they haven't seen each other for so long, Xiaoyun and Zhou Li are still the same, not much has changed, the only thing that has changed is their temperament , just like the kind of strong women in the workplace. "When we passed by this neighborhood, we saw the lights were on inside, and we thought that you might be back, so we came over to have a look." Xiaoyun replied, "You too, don't tell us when you come back, don't you tell us Are we friends?"

"No." Leng Xuan said hurriedly, "It's not that you don't know who I am, it's just... sigh, I just came back today and heard about Yurou's disappearance. Now I'm not in the mood for anything." Zhou Li was surprised: "Yurou disappeared? When did we hear about it?"

   "It's been more than half a year." Leng Xuan said, "I'm really worried that I can't find her." Xiaoyun frowned and said, "There is such a thing... Do you have any clues?"

   "A little clue has been found so far, but it is still unknown if we can find her." Leng Xuan said. Although based on the historical records in Su Yurou's notebook, the location was locked in Kunlun Mountain, but after all, that was half a year ago, and no one could guarantee whether Su Yurou had left Kunlun Mountain during this half-year period. "Yurouji people have their own celestial appearance, so there should be no accident." Zhou Li said. "I hope so." Because Su Yurou hadn't found it yet, Leng Xuan was in no mood. The three chatted for a while before the second daughter got up and left. Before leaving, Xiaoyun drove Zhou Li to drive first, while she stayed by Leng Xuan's side for a while.

"You've been gone for so long, where did you go? Did the vision that appeared in the capital last time have something to do with you?" Hearing Xiaoyun's question, Leng Xuan nodded, and then pointed to the sky above his head, " I'm in that place." As soon as the words came out, Xiaoyun's face changed suddenly, her eyes were full of shock, and she blurted out: "You are no longer human?" As soon as the words came out, she felt the ambiguity of the words and hurriedly corrected them. : "No, that's wrong. Leng Xuan, that... does that place really exist?" Leng Xuan nodded. "What's it like there? Is it the same as the legend." Xiaoyun was very curious.

Leng Xuan said with a wry smile: "To be honest, if I had to choose, I would prefer to stay in the mundane world, which... is more chaotic and more dangerous than our world." After the words were finished, Zhou Li saw that Zhou Li had already pulled the car away. Drive to the front of the manor. "Then I'll go first, see you when I have time." Xiaoyun waved her hand and walked out of the manor.

After seeing off the two girls, Leng Xuan came back to the room alone. Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, light appeared on Leng Xuan's body. Immediately, he saw layers of wrinkles on his face, and even his hair was much whiter. It seemed that he had aged twenty years all of a sudden. Looking at himself in the mirror, Leng Xuan smiled bitterly to himself. He has been covering up his true appearance these days so as not to scare other people, and he does not know how to save his youth in the future.

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