input several times in a row, but the computer prompts incorrect. There is one more chance, if you make another mistake, the computer will be forcibly shut down, and you will no longer be able to enter the password for an hour. "One chance! If it really doesn't work, then I have to contact Lao Cheng."

   As he thought, he pressed a few letters on the computer. With the press of Enter, only a light sound of 'ding' was heard, and the password had been unlocked.

   "It's really this." Leng Xuan gave a wry smile, the eagerness to find Su Yurou became stronger in his heart. The password Su Yurou set was actually very simple, it was the pinyin of his name, but he thought it was complicated. After entering the system, he quickly opened the browser and checked the browsing history.

   As each page was clicked open, Leng Xuan's frowning brows also stretched out. "Kunlun Mountain? She went to Kunlun Mountain?" Leng Xuan was secretly surprised. Through the historical records in the browser, Su Yurou had been checking the map of Kunlun Mountain during that time, and found a lot of information about Kunlun Mountain.

   Kunlun Mountain is a fairy mountain, where many myths and stories have been bred. In the world of self-cultivation, Kunlun Mountain is also a mysterious place, where many self-cultivators' cave dwellings are located. A long time ago, Leng Xuan had been to Kunlun Mountain once, and he was quite impressed there. However, what made him strange was, why did Su Yurou go to Kunlun Mountains? Although he was puzzled, he still decided to go to Kunlun Mountain to explore.

   Now that he has found a clue, he will naturally not miss this opportunity. Leaving the community, Leng Xuan called Ling Xuejiu. He didn't even return to the manor, so he left for Kunlun Mountain. In the past, it would take a long time to travel from the capital to Kunlun Mountain, but now his strength is no longer comparable to yesterday. It took almost a moment to go from the capital to Kunlun Mountain. This was because he suppressed his own strength. After all, this is the world of the world. The secular world has its own laws and limitations, and his strength has surpassed the limitations of this world. If the strength he shows is too strong, it is likely to attract the rejection of this world.

   Arriving at Kunlun Mountain, Leng Xuan stood upright in the air, frowning secretly as he looked at the rolling mountains in front of him. The Kunlun Mountains are very large, and the mountains are continuous, more than thousands of miles. Although he knew that Su Yurou was in Kunlun Mountain, he didn't know the exact location of the other party. If he kept searching like this, he didn't know what year and month he would be able to find her. Flying to one of the peaks of Kunlun Mountain, Leng Xuan sat cross-legged and spread his spiritual consciousness around.

   With his current strength, the range of spiritual consciousness is more than a hundred miles. As the spiritual consciousness unfolded, all the movements around him were passed into his mind.

   After a while, he opened his eyes, sighed softly, and continued on to the next mountain. After such a continuation, half a day passed quickly. Seeing that the sky began to dim, Leng Xuan had no choice but to return to the capital. Using spiritual knowledge to find people in a wide range, it is extremely depleting the power of the source, and even he can't hold on for long. Moreover, it was not easy to find Su Yurou in the vast Kunlun Mountains alone.

   However, before he returned to the capital, he deliberately left Leng Er and the two immortal puppets behind to continue their search in the mountains.

   Back at the Jingcheng Manor, Leng Xuan greeted Fenglie and asked them to go to Kunlun Mountain together tomorrow.

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