The next morning, Leng Xuan took Fenglie and the others and set off. When he came to Kunlun Mountain again, Leng Xuan first found Leng Er and the two immortal puppets, but they searched all night and found nothing. At the moment, Leng Xuan drew the general terrain of Kunlun Mountain, and then assigned Feng Lie and the others to each area. The five of them joined forces, and it won't take too long to search Kunlun Mountain again. When he arrived at the area he designated, Leng Xuan carefully searched, not letting go of any mountain peak. A little bit of time passed, and the source power in Leng Xuan's body was almost depleted.

   At the moment, he found a mountain, sat cross-legged, and rested. However, not long after he closed his eyes, he felt someone approaching.

   opened his eyes, he turned his head to look, and saw a young man galloping towards this side. The young man sank, slowly landed on the mountain, looked directly at him, smiled and cupped his hands and said, "This fellow Daoist, have you just come to Kunlun Mountain? It seems that you haven't seen you before." Leng Xuan said casually. He replied, "Just here."

   "Xia Qi Yanzhi, who is under the tutelage of Master Jinhua, do not know how to call friends?"

   "Master Jinhua?" Leng Xuan was very unfamiliar with this name and had no impression in his mind. He didn't think much about it. Today's cultivation world is different from the past. He doesn't know many people, not to mention this kind of hermitage who lives in the deep mountains. "It's under Leng Xuan." Leng Xuan replied. After a pause, he turned to ask, "Daoyou Qi, how long have you been practicing here in Kunlun Mountain?" Qi Yanzhi said: "I entered Taoism at the age of five, and now I have been practicing with my master for more than 20 years."

   "Twenty years..." Leng Xuan's heart moved, and he asked, "Daoyou Qi, since you have lived here for so long, you must be familiar with the neighborhood?"

   "That's natural." Qi Yanzhi nodded. "Fellow Daoist Qi, I would like to ask you what you've been like recently, within half a year, are there any strangers around here?" Qi Yanzhi said, "Friend Leng, you are also a cultivator, you should know that this kind of place is very Few people come. Moreover, even if they come, we may not be able to see each other. Although I have stayed here for more than 20 years, most of the time I have been cultivating, and I have not been out for a long time. In the past six months, I have Although I've been out several times, I haven't seen any strangers. Why, fellow Daoist Leng, from your tone, it seems like you're looking for someone."

   "Yes." Leng Xuan replied, "A friend of mine came to Kunlun Mountain half a year ago, and has not heard from her since then. I came here mainly to find her."

"So that's the case, it seems that your friend is very important to you." After speaking, Qi Yanzhi turned his head, pointed to a towering mountain in the distance, and said, "Friend Leng, that is the essence of my master's cultivation. So, if you are not in a hurry, you might as well come with me to see my master. My master knows most of the people cultivating in the Kunlun Mountains, maybe he can ask you to see if there is any news about your friend.” Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately said, "That's troublesome fellow Daoist Qi. No matter whether there is a gain or not, it will be rewarded." At the moment, Leng Xuan followed Qi Yanzhi and flew straight towards the mountain.

   In that mountain peak, there is a cave of self-cultivation. Entering the cave, Leng Xuan soon met Qi Yanzhi's master, a cultivator named Master Jin Hua.

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